openlayers-timeline copied to clipboard
Plugin for OpenLayers to show GeoJSON/GeoRSS data on the map through time. Cluster strategy support for huge datasets
h2. OpenLayers Timeline
OpenLayers Timeline is a simple library to create a time related map with OpenLayers. It supports cluster strategy (OpenLayers.Strategy.Cluster) and time filtering. Currently it supports source data in GeoJSON or GeoRSS format.
See a "demo":
h3. Why another timeline for OpenLayers?
I know that there are other timelines for OpenLayers like "maptimeline": or "timemap": but none of these was what i needed for "WikiTrip": They are both based on Simile Timeline, which is really cool, but they don't support cluster strategy and they are extremely slow with huge amount of data (>1000 points). OpenLayers-Timeline supports huge datasets (tested with 15000 points) and cluster strategy for displaying data which is really cool and insightful. Moreover it offers a collection of standard data formats for OpenLayers with time context support.
h3. Deps
- jQuery
- jQuery-UI Slider
h3. Basic Usage
Setup a basic page with an OpenLayers Map (see demos for examples)
Include the plugin for the format that you're going to use @@
Include jQuery and jQuery-UI
Include timeline.js @@
create a OpenLayers Timeline object @timeline = new OpenLayers.Timeline({map: map, timeline: "#timeline", date_key: "when", format: OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSONTimeline});@
initialize Timeline and enjoy! @timeline.initTimeline(data);@
h3. API Documentation
OpenLayers Timeline offers new data formats that can be used in OpenLayers without OpenLayers Timeline. They add time support to existing data formats.
OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSONTimeline: subclass of OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON.
OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSSTimeline: subclass of OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS.
OpenLayers.Timeline ** constructor options: *** map: OpenLayers.Map object *** timeline: id for the slider container *** date_key: name of the field that contains a date value for the item (can be an XML tag name or a JSON field name) *** date_funct: function to convert date value to UNIX timestamp (number of seconds from 1970/01/01). Optional *** format: data format to use (e.g.: OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSONTimeline). ** methods: *** initTimeline(data): initializes the timeline with data. data must be in the format specified in the constructor. *** animateBar(): starts timeline animation *** stopBar(): stops timeline animation *** togglePlay(): play/pause animation *** fasterAnimation(): make animation faster *** slowerAnimation(): make animation slower *** getBarValue(): get timeline value (0-100) *** setBarValue(): set timeline value (0-100) *** getCurrentTime(): get UNIX timestamp of displayed data *** getCurrentSpeed(): get a string with the current animation speed *** update(): refreshes displayed data ** properties: *** cumulative: display data in cumulative or instantaneous view (Boolean) *** speeds: strings with speeds strings (Strings array) *** timedelta: delta (in seconds) for non cumulative view (default: 6 months) (Integer)
h3. Customizations
You can easily customize this plugin to fit your needs. Here's some examples:
Make visualization non cumulative: @timeline.cumulative = false;@
Customize speeds names: @timeline.speeds = ["Slow", "Normal", "Fast"];@
Change time slice for non cumulative view: @timeline.timedelta = 86400 //one day@
Change map style: @timeline.defaultStyle = new OpenLayers.Style({...})@
redefine popup on feature clicking (see original function for an example): @timeline.onFeatureSelect = function() {...}@
h3. Contribute!
Feel free to fork, report bugs, send patches or suggestions :D