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ES6-webpack-starter copied to clipboard

A simple starter template to write vanilla ES6 applications

A (very) simple starting point to use ES6 & beyond features in the browser today with Webpack and Babel.

Out of the box includes features up to stage 0, tweak to your needs.

Also supports SASS, just create your *.scss file in /app and require it, or simply change the sample file provided.


If you don't have webpack installed globally do so by running npm install webpack -g. Then run npm install to install dependencies.

  • npm start will start the live-reload dev server.
  • npm run build will build the site for development use. By default site are output in the dist/ folder
  • npm run production will output a minified build for production use.
  • npm run clean will remove the /dist folder.

Github Pages

After you've built site site, you can publish it to Github Pages by using a git subtree push.
Make sure you've committed dist/ and run git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages.
If you don't want to use Github Pages add dist/ to .gitignore.