Antoine Chauvin

Results 27 comments of Antoine Chauvin

Try `readlink -f .` in a Terminal and tell me the output

vim-gocode needs some OS X integration, wait until someone patch this problem or make it yourself (I don't own a Mac)

You can look here as a first step

What does output, in VIM, `:!go env GOPATH` ?

does `function ReadLink` has to be edited to include OS specific behavior ?

I have the same issue in a native-image build with of GraalVM CE 21, compiled with `-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8`.

Here is a Gist with some Java sources and a Dockerfile to reproduce :

@timostamm @joemckenney I cannot reproduce the generated class `FlowStateChangeEvent` with `"@bufbuild/protoc-gen-es": "^1.7.2"`. Here are the commands I use : ```Justfile SED := `which gsed 2>/dev/null || which sed` TS_SRC_DIR :=...

There still are some work to accept multiple path contained in $GOPATH

Have you tried to manually set a single path to $GOPATH?