vim-floaterm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-floaterm copied to clipboard

wsl.exe and some other commands cannot be found

Open ghost opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

  • Output of vim --version:
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled May  2 2021 18:02:30)
MS-Windows 32 位控制台版本
包含补丁: 1-2824
编译者 mool@tororo
巨型版本 无图形界面。  可使用(+)与不可使用(-)的功能:
+acl                +ex_extra           +multi_lang         -tcl
+arabic             +extra_search       -mzscheme           +termguicolors
+autocmd            -farsi              -netbeans_intg      +terminal
+autochdir          +file_in_path       +num64              -termresponse
+autoservername     +find_in_path       +packages           +textobjects
-balloon_eval       +float              +path_extra         +textprop
+balloon_eval_term  +folding            -perl               -tgetent
-browse             -footer             +persistent_undo    +timers
++builtin_terms     +gettext/dyn        +popupwin           +title
+byte_offset        -hangul_input       -postscript         -toolbar
+channel            +iconv/dyn          +printer            +user_commands
+cindent            +insert_expand      +profile            +vartabs
+clientserver       +ipv6               -python             +vertsplit
+clipboard          +job                -python3            +virtualedit
+cmdline_compl      +jumplist           +quickfix           +visual
+cmdline_hist       +keymap             +reltime            +visualextra
+cmdline_info       +lambda             +rightleft          +viminfo
+comments           +langmap            -ruby               +vreplace
+conceal            +libcall            +scrollbind         +vtp
+cryptv             +linebreak          +signs              +wildignore
+cscope             +lispindent         +smartindent        +wildmenu
+cursorbind         +listcmds           +sound              +windows
+cursorshape        +localmap           +spell              +writebackup
+dialog_con         -lua                +startuptime        -xfontset
+diff               +menu               +statusline         -xim
+digraphs           +mksession          -sun_workshop       -xpm_w32
-dnd                +modify_fname       +syntax             -xterm_save
-ebcdic             +mouse              +tag_binary
+emacs_tags         -mouseshape         -tag_old_static
+eval               +multi_byte_ime/dyn -tag_any_white
  • Platform:

    • [ ] Linux
    • [ ] Mac OS X
    • [x] Windows

Configurations related to vim-floaterm in vimrc(i.e. g:floaterm_xxx):

nnoremap   <silent>   <F12>   :FloatermToggle<CR>

Describe your question, feature request, or bug.

wsl.exe and some other commands cannot be found while exactly it is there and I can invoke it from windows terminal cmd.

ghost avatar Jan 18 '22 14:01 ghost

What's the output of :echo &shell?

voldikss avatar Jan 18 '22 14:01 voldikss


nabychan avatar Jan 19 '22 06:01 nabychan