typescript-generator copied to clipboard
Add ability to combine useLibraryDefinition with primitivePropertiesRequired
We are generating java classes from an XSD using JAXB.
We have some XSDs that look like this:
<xs:element name="someClass">
<xs:extension base="xs:hexBinary">
<xs:attribute name="format" type="custom:numberFormat" />
This will output XML like:
<someClass format="hex">FF00</someClass>
The resulting class will look like:
public class SomeClass {
@XmlSchemaType(name = "hexBinary")
protected byte[] value;
@XmlAttribute(name = "format")
protected NumberFormat format;
// Other methods (getters, setters, etc.) hidden for simplicity
When using the typescript-generator with jsonLibrary set to "jaxb", and optionalProperties set to "useLibraryDefinition"
We get:
export interface SomeClass {
value?: any;
format?: NumberFormat;
Both fields are optional, but what we actually want are for both fields to be marked as required.
We can easily make format required, by modifying the XSD to:
<xs:attribute name="format" type="custom:numberFormat" use="required" />
This will update the format Java property to:
@XmlAttribute(name = "format", required = true)
protected NumberFormat format;
From here, we have 2 options that would solve our use case.
- We need to be able to either mark all primitives as required (best option as primitives should generally always be required).
- Currently this only works if optionalProperties is set to "useSpecifiedAnnotations"
- Allow us to use the "useLibraryDefinition" value for optionalProperties while also enabling "requiredAnnotations" and we can put @XmlValue as a required annotation.