Vojtěch Habarta

Results 69 comments of Vojtěch Habarta

@sortel64 I am afraid that it is not directly possible. If you have only few interfaces you can exclude them using `excludeClasses` parameter. Or if your interfaces follow some naming...

I think common case is that there are DTO classes which are POJOs and don't implement any interface apart from some interfaces from Java core like `Comparable`, `Serializable` etc. In...

Yes, if you have small number of those interfaces I would exclude them using [excludeClasses](http://www.habarta.cz/typescript-generator/maven/typescript-generator-maven-plugin/generate-mojo.html#excludeClasses) or [excludeClassPatterns](http://www.habarta.cz/typescript-generator/maven/typescript-generator-maven-plugin/generate-mojo.html#excludeClassPatterns) parameter.

That's not possible. There is `customTypeMappings` parameter but it only works with class names (and no inheritance). Where the generic variable `T` comes from? Is it class type parameter? Or...

You can use [customTypeNaming](http://www.habarta.cz/typescript-generator/maven/typescript-generator-maven-plugin/generate-mojo.html#customTypeNaming) parameter (not `CustomNameMapping`) to specify unique TypeScript names. You can also try [customTypeNamingFunction](http://www.habarta.cz/typescript-generator/maven/typescript-generator-maven-plugin/generate-mojo.html#customTypeNamingFunction) if you have many conflicting names with the same package/name pattern. However it...

Are you using Maven or Gradle? In Maven some core plugins (maven-compiler-plugin, maven-clean-plugin, maven-javadoc-plugin) have `failOnError` parameter with default `true`. Maybe typescript-generator could also use this convention. What about Gradle?...

Hi @JoseLion, sorry for late response. I didn't want to use two build tools instead of one. It complicates things for developers and also CI build. Currently the CI build...

I tried to add `generateTsTask.getOutputs().file(...);` to `TypeScriptGeneratorPlugin` class. It worked on Gradle 4 but failed on Gradle 5 with error: ``` java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.gradle.api.internal.TaskOutputsInternal.file(Ljava/lang/Object;)Lorg/gradle/api/tasks/TaskOutputs; ```

Return type changed between versions 2 and 5. https://docs.gradle.org/2.1/javadoc/org/gradle/api/tasks/TaskOutputs.html https://docs.gradle.org/3.0/javadoc/org/gradle/api/tasks/TaskOutputs.html https://docs.gradle.org/4.0/javadoc/org/gradle/api/tasks/TaskOutputs.html https://docs.gradle.org/5.0/javadoc/org/gradle/api/tasks/TaskOutputs.html So when the code was compiled against version 2.1 it didn't work with version 5.

I think it is not possible to make it work without updating the version. For your second suggestion PR is welcomed if you want to spend some time with it....