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Interactive script for changing XBPS mirrors
Love to help.
This PR adds optional repository `zsh` completion to `_xmirrors` to re-use in `_xbps`.
In light of this passage from https://xmirror.voidlinux.org/: > Please keep in mind that we pay bandwidth for all data sent out from the Tier 1 mirrors. You can respect this...
should xmirror be able to enable + sync subrepos? should the mirror be able to be changed for a subset of mirrors?
Not sure where in the UI this would work best, so just throwing it out there as an idea for now
should this rank mirrors and provide suggestions for optimal mirrors? see [arch's rankmirrors](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/pacman/pacman-contrib/-/blob/master/src/rankmirrors.sh.in) for inspiration
It would be great if `dialog` were optional and `fzf` would be accepted as well.