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nanomsg websocket connection for the browser


This library is a convenient wrapper around a standart websocket, for easier connection with nanomsg sockets.

Supported and testes are the following client side protocols:

  • REQ
  • PAIR
  • SUB
  • BUS

Table of Content

  1. install
  2. nng compatibility
  3. api
    1. nanomsg
    2. nanomsg.Socket
  4. examples
    1. subscription
    2. pair or req/rep
    3. bus


Install via command line.

npm install nanomsg-browser
yarn add nanomsg-browser

note: This package is intended to be used with a bundler like WebPack, browserify or Rollup.

nng compatibility

This package should work out of the box with NNG as well.

note: NNG demands two things, only ArrayBuffers for send and receive, and if there is no path specified it can occoure connection errors, at least with the Rust wrapper for NNG.

The following configuration should work :)

import {Socket, Protocol} from 'nanomsg-browser';

const sock = new Socket({
  protocol: Protocol.REQ,
  sendArrayBuffer: true,
  receiveArrayBuffer: true,



The root namespace for the nanomsg package.


  • REQ Enumeration option for a request socket.
  • PAIR Enumeration option for a pair socket.
  • SUB Enumeration option for a subscription socket.
  • BUS Enumeration option for a bus socket.


The nanomsg socket, which can hold multiple connections to other nanomsg sockets over the websocket protocol.

  • constructor(config)

    • config The configurations object, at least the protocol has to be defined.
    const socket = new nanomsg.Socket({
      protocol: nanomsg.Protocol.REQ,
      reconnectTime: 1000,       // Milliseconds between reconnects.
      debug: true,               // Show some debug logging in the console.
      sendArrayBuffer: false,    // Sends ArrayBuffer objects instead of strings. Default is `false`.
      receiveArrayBuffer: false, // Receives ArrayBuffer objects instead of strings. Default is `false`.
  • connect(url)

    Connects to another corresponding nanomsg websocket. Multiple connections are possible. But not very good testet :)

    • url The url to which will be connected. It has to be a websocket url or it will simple NOT work!
  • disconnect(url)

    Disconnects from a url. I don't know why someone ever want this. But for the sake of a complete API, you can do it.

    • url The url to which has been connected.
  • send(msg)

    Sends a message to all connected sockets.

    note: Subscription sockets will throw an error, if you attempt to send something, since sending to a publisher is not supported. Like

    • msg The message to be send. A string or buffer object.
    const msg = 'some funky message';
    // for PAIR and REQ sockets, even this is possible
      .then((answer) => {
        console.log('got =>', answer);
    // and we can send an ArrayBuffer
    const data = new Uint8Array(12);
  • on(type, callback)

    For a more streaming like api you can define callbacks.

    • type The type of callback. Which is one of => data | error | end .
    • callback A callback function.
    sock.on('data', (msg) => {
      console.log('got =>', msg);
    sock.on('error', (e) => {
      console.log('OH NO!!!', e);
    sock.end('end', (url) => {
      console.log('goodbye,', url);



import {Socket, Protocol} from 'nanomsg-browser';

const sub = new Socket({protocol: Protocol.SUB});

sub.on('data', (msg) => {
  console.log('got =>', msg);

pair or req/rep

The behaviour of the API for pair or req/rep type of sockets is the same. That is the reason why there is only one combined example.

import {Socket, Protocol} from 'nanomsg-browser';

const sock = new Socket({protocol: Protocol.REQ});
// const sock = new Socket({protocol: Protocol.PAIR});

// old school more streamy approach

sock.on('data', (msg) => {
  console.log('got =>', msg);

  .then(() => {
      sock.send('some cool msg')
      .then(msg => {
        console.log('got =>', msg);

// be hippster, be async/await
await sock.connect('ws://myhost:8080');
const answer = await sock.send('some cool msg');
console.log('got =>', answer);


import {Socket, Protocol} from 'nanomsg-browser';

const sock = new Socket({protocol: Protocol.BUS});

sock.send('some data', (data) => {
  console.log('got =>', data);

sock.on('data', msg => {
  console.log('got =>', msg);