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How can I make a wake word in my code :(

Open 3yalzayed opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

How can I put the wake word I tried many time

The code:

import libers

import speech_recognition as sr # recognise speech import playsound # to play an audio file from gtts import gTTS # google text to speech import random from time import ctime # get time details import webbrowser # open browser import yfinance as yf # to fetch financial data import ssl import certifi import time import os # to remove created audio files

class person: name = '' def setName(self, name): = name

def to listening 1

def there_exists(terms): for term in terms: if term in voice_data: return True

def to listening 2

r = sr.Recognizer() # initialise a recogniser

listen for audio and convert it to text:

def record_audio(ask=False): with sr.Microphone() as source: # microphone as source if ask: speak(ask) audio = r.listen(source) # listen for the audio via source voice_data = '' try: voice_data = r.recognize_google(audio) # convert audio to text except sr.UnknownValueError: # error: recognizer does not understand speak('Can you repeat') except sr.RequestError: speak('Sorry, the service is down') # error: recognizer is not connected print(f">> {voice_data.lower()}") # print what user said return voice_data.lower()

get string and make a audio file to be played and choose the lang

def speak(audio_string): tts = gTTS(text=audio_string, lang='en') # text to speech(voice) r = random.randint(1,20000000) audio_file = 'audio' + str(r) + '.mp3' # save as mp3 playsound.playsound(audio_file) # play the audio file print(f"kiri: {audio_string}") # print what app said os.remove(audio_file) # remove audio file

wake = ["welcome", "hey sara"]

respond for listening 1

def respond(voice_data):

# 1: greeting
if there_exists(['hey','hi','hello']):
    greetings = [f"hey, how can I help you {}", f"hey, what's up? {}", f"I'm listening {}", f"how can I help you? {}", f"hello {}"]
    greet = greetings[random.randint(0,len(greetings)-1)]

# 2: name
if there_exists(["what is your name","what's your name","tell me your name"]):
        speak("my name is sara")
        speak("my name is sara. what's your name?")

if there_exists(["my name is"]):
    person_name = voice_data.split("is")[-1].strip()
    speak(f"okay, i will remember that {person_name}")
    person_obj.setName(person_name) # remember name in person object

# 3: greeting
if there_exists(["how are you","how are you doing"]):
    speak(f"I'm very well, thanks for asking {}")

# 4: time
if there_exists(["what's the time","tell me the time","what time is it"]):
    time = ctime().split(" ")[3].split(":")[0:2]
    if time[0] == "00":
        hours = '12'
        hours = time[0]
    minutes = time[1]
    time = f'{hours} {minutes}'

# 5: search google
if there_exists(["search for"]) and 'youtube' not in voice_data:
    search_term = voice_data.split("for")[-1]
    url = f"{search_term}"
    speak(f'Here is what I found for {search_term} on google')

# 6: search youtube
if there_exists(["youtube"]):
    search_term = voice_data.split("for")[-1]
    url = f"{search_term}"
    speak(f'Here is what I found for {search_term} on youtube')

# 7: get stock price
if there_exists(["price of"]):
    search_term = voice_data.lower().split(" of ")[-1].strip() #strip removes whitespace after/before a term in string
    stocks = {
        stock = stocks[search_term]
        stock = yf.Ticker(stock)
        price =["regularMarketPrice"]

        speak(f'price of {search_term} is {price} {["currency"]} {}')
        speak('oops, something went wrong')

# 8: to stop
if there_exists(["exit", "quit", "goodbye"]):
    speak("going offline")

# 9: thank you responed
if there_exists(["thank you","thanks","you are the best"]):
        speak(" welcome sir ")


person_obj = person() while(1): voice_data = record_audio() # get the voice input respond(voice_data) # respond

sorry I am new in githup

3yalzayed avatar Oct 13 '20 19:10 3yalzayed