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Scrutinizer: tx key already exists

Open p4u opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

For some reason, after stressing the network stop/start the node, it ends up on a state where scrutinizer complains about a TX that already exists. Probably is not critical but we should check the code and see how is this handled.

2022-02-05T19:37:44+01:00       INFO    service/census.go:35    [census info] local:7 imported:3 loaded:10 queue:0/10 toRetry:0
2022-02-05T19:37:47+01:00       INFO    service/vochain.go:230  [vochain info] height:8535 mempool:20 peers:12 processes:108 votes:446310 vxm:1884 voteCache:0 blockTime:{1m:60.00 10m:12.24 1h:11.50}
2022-02-05T19:38:03+01:00   ERROR   scrutinizer/transaction.go:67   cannot store tx at height 329184: This Key already exists in badgerhold for this type
2022-02-05T19:38:04+01:00       INFO    service/census.go:35    [census info] local:7 imported:3 loaded:10 queue:0/10 toRetry:0
2022-02-05T19:38:04+01:00       INFO    scrutinizer/scrutinizer.go:393  indexed 1998 new envelopes, took 1.223262717s

p4u avatar Feb 05 '22 21:02 p4u