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Refactor vochainInfo

Open p4u opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

Refactor in a more advanced, smart and idiomatic way the vochaininfo package [1]. Also extend it to support more kind of statistics, on log but also for prometheus.

Open to creativity of the developer taking the issue :)

[1] https://github.com/vocdoni/vocdoni-node/tree/master/vochain/vochaininfo

p4u avatar Jan 30 '22 09:01 p4u

i'm delighted!

i even hacked a bit on this while working on tendermint-0.35, for example i made a flag for the (currently hardcoded) stats log interval. i didn't push this commit since it needed more work (which was out of scope for tendermint-0.35), and also because i felt it wasn't worth it to add yet another flag for this. but just to say, i'm absolutely eager to work on this :smile:

hacking on stats interval
    dvotenode: new flag --vochainLogStatsInterval useful for debugging

-------------------------- cmd/dvotenode/dvotenode.go --------------------------
index 55c35d52..d4332395 100644
@@ -133,6 +133,8 @@ func newConfig() (*config.DvoteCfg, config.Error) {
 		"tendermint node log level (error, info, debug, none)")
 	globalCfg.VochainConfig.LogLevelMemPool = *flag.String("vochainLogLevelMemPool", "error",
 		"tendermint mempool log level")
+	globalCfg.VochainConfig.LogStatsInterval = *flag.Duration("vochainLogStatsInterval", time.Duration(20*time.Second),
+		"time between periodic logging of several status info")
 	globalCfg.VochainConfig.Peers = *flag.StringArray("vochainPeers", []string{},
 		"comma-separated list of p2p peers")
 	globalCfg.VochainConfig.Seeds = *flag.StringArray("vochainSeeds", []string{},
@@ -240,6 +242,7 @@ func newConfig() (*config.DvoteCfg, config.Error) {
 	viper.BindPFlag("vochainConfig.RPCListen", flag.Lookup("vochainRPCListen"))
 	viper.BindPFlag("vochainConfig.LogLevel", flag.Lookup("vochainLogLevel"))
 	viper.BindPFlag("vochainConfig.LogLevelMemPool", flag.Lookup("vochainLogLevelMemPool"))
+	viper.BindPFlag("vochainConfig.LogStatsInterval", flag.Lookup("vochainLogStatsInterval"))
 	viper.BindPFlag("vochainConfig.Peers", flag.Lookup("vochainPeers"))
 	viper.BindPFlag("vochainConfig.Seeds", flag.Lookup("vochainSeeds"))
 	viper.BindPFlag("vochainConfig.CreateGenesis", flag.Lookup("vochainCreateGenesis"))

------------------------------- config/config.go -------------------------------
index 070ed01e..660bfb28 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 package config
 import (
+	"time"
@@ -141,6 +143,8 @@ type VochainCfg struct {
 	LogLevelMemPool string
 	// LogOutput logging output
 	LogOutput string
+	// LogStatsInterval time between periodic logging of several status info
+	LogStatsInterval time.Duration
 	// RPCListen address for the RPC server tp listen on
 	RPCListen string
 	// P2PListen address to listen for incoming P2P connections

------------------------------ service/vochain.go ------------------------------
index 8537fc4d..baef4cd1 100644
@@ -159,22 +159,23 @@ func Vochain(vconfig *config.VochainCfg, waitForSync bool,
 		i := 0
 		for !vi.Sync() {
 			time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
-			if i%20 == 0 {
-				log.Infof("[vochain info] fastsync running at height %d (%d blocks/s), peers %d",
-					vi.Height(), (vi.Height()-lastHeight)/20, len(vi.Peers()))
+			interval := int64(vconfig.LogStatsInterval.Seconds())
+			if i%int(interval) == 0 {
+				log.Infof("[vochain info every %d] fastsync running at height %d (%d blocks/s), peers %d", interval,
+					vi.Height(), (vi.Height()-lastHeight)/interval, len(vi.Peers()))
 				lastHeight = vi.Height()
 		log.Infof("vochain fastsync completed!")
-	go VochainPrintInfo(20, vi)
+	go VochainPrintInfo(vconfig.LogStatsInterval, vi)
 	return vnode, sc, vi, nil
 // VochainPrintInfo initializes the Vochain statistics recollection
-func VochainPrintInfo(sleepSecs int64, vi *vochaininfo.VochainInfo) {
+func VochainPrintInfo(sleepInterval time.Duration, vi *vochaininfo.VochainInfo) {
 	var a *[5]int32
 	var h int64
 	var p, v uint64
@@ -206,6 +207,6 @@ func VochainPrintInfo(sleepSecs int64, vi *vochaininfo.VochainInfo) {
 			"processes:%d votes:%d vxm:%d voteCache:%d blockTime:{%s}",
 			h, m, len(vi.Peers()), p, v, vxm, vc, b.String(),
-		time.Sleep(time.Duration(sleepSecs) * time.Second)
+		time.Sleep(sleepInterval)

altergui avatar Jan 30 '22 09:01 altergui