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How to get german / original audio feed in podcast?
Hi, I would like to get the german / original audio track in podcast app. I found several issues, but non really solving. Both in NewPipe (selected the media.ccc source) and Android Podcast Addict I can only find the tranlated english stream. Even the (not linked on the site) master feed shows only one audio track (in both apps): https://media.ccc.de/c/37c3/podcast/mp4-master.xml Wrong apps? Missing anything else? Would be really great to find the talks in german without needing a browser as bad workaround.
The master mp4's contain all audio tracks, some player then default to the audio tracks labeled in the OS's default language without giving the user an UI to switch the audio track.
The audio tracks contained the the specific file are denoted in the file name:
e.g. https://cdn.media.ccc.de/congress/2023/h264-hd/37c3-11784-deu-eng-Lass_mal_das_Innere_eines_Neuronalen_Netzes_ansehen_hd.mp4
contains a German and and English audio track.
Please create issues at the corresponding players, so they properly support multi-lang files.
[Internally we also mux single-language variants, but we do not really want to expose these because we want to drop them as soon as someone finds the time to upgrade our web player or setup/deploy https://github.com/kaltura/nginx-vod-module]
thank you! (I would have never expect this behaviour in my apps :)) In Podcast Addict the workaround is to change the App language.