terraform-provider-avi copied to clipboard
Terraform AVI Networks provider
Terraform Provider
- Website: https://www.terraform.io
- Mailing list: Google Groups
Developing the Provider or Use Locally Built Provider
If you wish to work on the provider or want to use the locally built provider,
you'll first need Go and Terraform installed on your machine.
You'll also need to correctly setup a GOPATH, as well as adding $GOPATH/bin
to your $PATH
Building The Provider (Terraform v0.12+)
Clone repository to: $GOPATH/src/github.com/vmware/terraform-provider-avi
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/vmware; cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/vmware
$ git clone https://github.com/vmware/terraform-provider-avi.git
Enter the provider directory and build the provider.
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/vmware/terraform-provider-avi
$ make
For Terraform v0.12.x to use a locally built version of a provider add following to ~/.terraformrc on Linux/Unix.
providers {
"avi" = "$GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-avi"
Or copy provider binary in ~./.terraform/plugins/linux_amd64/
$ mkdir -p ~./.terraform/plugins/linux_amd64/
$ cp $GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-avi ~./.terraform/plugins/linux_amd64/
Building The Provider (Terraform v0.13+)
Clone repository to: $GOPATH/src/github.com/vmware/terraform-provider-avi
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/vmware; cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/vmware
$ git clone https://github.com/vmware/terraform-provider-avi.git
Enter the provider directory and build the provider
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/vmware/terraform-provider-avi
$ make build13
This will put the provider binary in the ~/.terraform.d/plugins/vmware.com/avi/avi/<provider_version>/$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH) directory.
For Terraform v0.13+, to use a locally built version of a provider you must add the following snippet to every terraform plan.
terraform {
required_providers {
avi = {
source = "vmware.com/avi/avi"
version = "<provider_version>"
Create Avi Provider in terraform plan
provider "avi" {
avi_username = "admin"
avi_tenant = "admin"
avi_password = "password"
avi_controller = "x.x.x.x"
avi_version = "21.1.1"
Create Avi Pool Example. Here Pool depends on read only tenant data source and another health monitor defined as resource in the terraform plan
data "avi_tenant" "default_tenant" {
name= "admin"
data "avi_cloud" "default_cloud" {
name= "Default-Cloud"
resource "avi_applicationpersistenceprofile" "test_applicationpersistenceprofile" {
name = "terraform-app-pers-profile"
tenant_ref = data.avi_tenant.default_tenant.id
resource "avi_healthmonitor" "test_hm_1" {
name = "terraform-monitor"
tenant_ref = data.avi_tenant.default_tenant.id
resource "avi_pool" "testpool" {
name= "pool-42"
health_monitor_refs = [avi_healthmonitor.test_hm_1.id]
tenant_ref = data.avi_tenant.default_tenant.id
cloud_ref = data.avi_cloud.default_cloud.id
application_persistence_profile_ref= avi_applicationpersistenceprofile.test_applicationpersistenceprofile.id
servers {
ip {
type = "V4"
addr = ""
port= 8080
fail_action {
Reference existing resources as readonly or data sources
data "avi_applicationprofile" "system_http_profile" {
name= "System-HTTP"
application_profile_ref= data.avi_applicationprofile.system_https_profile.id
Test The Provider
In order to test the provider, you can simply run make test
$ make test
In order to run the full suite of Acceptance tests, run make testacc
Running the tests for a provider requires version 0.12.26 or higher of the Terraform CLI.
Note: Acceptance tests create real resources, and often cost money to run.
$ make testacc