network-insight-sdk-generic-datasources copied to clipboard
SDK to help add support for generic switches and routers not supported in Network Insight
SDK is written to support as many physical devices so that vRNI can consume network information in defined format. Network information includes Router Interfaces, VRFs, Switch Ports, Routes, etc. SDK can connect to physical device and execute commands. Output of command is then used to create files in specific format (eg. CSV). Files generated are then bundled in ZIP format which can then be fed into vRNI. SDK generates files compatible to vRNI version 4.2.0 onwards. Driver in SDK is governed by YAML configuration file.
- Environment Requirements
- Dependencies
- Launch SDK
- Device Configuration File
- YAML Configuration
- Parser Definition
- Table Joiner
- Example
- Uploading Output Zipfile
- Running SDK and Uploading
1. Environment Requirements
- Linux distributions like Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, etc.
- Pre-requisite packages/tools should be installed:
- git
- python 3.5 onwards
2. Dependencies
- netmiko
- requests
- pyyaml
Install dependencies using following command.
pip install --src . -r requirements.txt
3. Launch SDK
After cloning this project and add project folder to PYTHONPATH. Then run following command to run SDK.
$ python ./network_insight_sdk_generic_datasources/ -d <device> -m <model> -s <device_type> -i <ip-address> -u <username> -p <password> -o <>
Command parameter explanation
- -d = the device which you want to run
- -m = model of device
- -s = List of device type as defined in network-insight-sdk-generic-datasources/connection/
- -i = ip address or fqdn
- -u = username
- -p = password
- -o = Output zip file, for upload to vRNI
$ git clone
$ cd network-insight-sdk-generic-datasources
$ pip install --src . -r requirements.txt
$ export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:../network-insight-sdk-generic-datasources"
$ python ./network_insight_sdk_generic_datasources/ -d cisco -m n5k -s CISCO_IOS -i -u test -p test -o
4. Device Configuration File
Columns in each CSV file represents attributes of entity.
NOTE: General Guideline is to use double quotes for each value in a cell. Special characters allowed for any data of type string except defined values. Accepted special character are as follows.
_ Underscore
- Hyphen
: Colon
. Period
\ Back Slash
/ Forward Slash
switch.csv - contains switch information. MANDATORY
Column Name | Mandatory / Optional | Description | Accepted Value |
ipAddress/fqdn | mandatory | ipAddress or FQDN of switch | |
name | mandatory | name of the switch | |
serial | optional | serial of the switch | |
os | optional | operating system of the switch | |
model | optional | model of the switch | |
vendor | optional | vendor of the switch | |
hostname | mandatory | hostname of the switch | |
haState | optional | redundant state of the switch | ACTIVE, STANDBY |
- switch-ports.csv - contains all the switch ports and their attributes. MANDATORY
Column Name | Mandatory / Optional | Description | Accepted Value |
name | mandatory | name of switch port | |
vlans | optional | vlans | Comma separated Integer values (Note: use double quotes) |
accessVlan | optional | accessVlan of switch port | Integer Value |
mtu | optional | mtu | Integer Value |
interfaceSpeed | optional | interface speed | Integer Value in bits per second |
operationalSpeed | optional | operational speed | Integer Value in bits per second |
administrativeStatus | mandatory | administrative status | UP, DOWN |
operationalStatus | mandatory | operational status | UP, DOWN |
hardwareAddress | optional | physical / mac address | Mac Address for format(MM:MM:MM:SS:SS:SS or MM-MM-MM-SS-SS-SS or MMM.MMM.SSS.SSS) |
duplex | optional | duplex | FULL, HALF, AUTO |
connected | mandatory | connected | TRUE, FALSE |
switchPortMode | mandatory | switch port mode | ACCESS, TRUNK, OTHER |
- port-channels.csv - contains all the port channel (bundled switch ports) and their attributes. OPTIONAL
Column Name | Mandatory / Optional | Description | Accepted Value |
name | mandatory | name of the port channel | |
vlans | optional | vlans for Port Channel | Comma separated Integer values (Note: use double quotes) |
mtu | optional | mtu | Integer Value |
interfaceSpeed | optional | interface speed | Integer Value in bits per second |
operationalSpeed | optional | operational speed | Integer Value in bits per second |
administrativeStatus | mandatory | administrative status | UP, DOWN |
operationalStatus | mandatory | operational status | UP, DOWN |
hardwareAddress | optional | physical / mac address | Mac Address for format(MM:MM:MM:SS:SS:SS or MM-MM-MM-SS-SS-SS or MMM.MMM.SSS.SSS) |
duplex | optional | duplex | FULL, HALF, AUTO |
connected | mandatory | connected | TRUE, FALSE |
switchPortMode | mandatory | switch port mode | ACCESS, TRUNK, OTHER |
activePorts | optional | active switch ports | Interfaces defined in switch-ports.csv |
passivePorts | optional | passive switch ports | Interfaces defined in switch-ports.csv |
- vrfs.csv - contains all vrfs of the switch/router. MANDATORY
Column Name | Mandatory / Optional | Description | Accepted Value |
name | mandatory | name of the vrf |
- router-interfaces.csv - contains all the router interfaces and their attributes. MANDATORY
Column Name | Mandatory / Optional | Description | Accepted Value |
name | mandatory | name of the router interface | |
vrf | mandatory | vrf | VRFs defined in vrfs.csv |
vlan | optional | vlan | Integer Value |
ipAddress | mandatory | ip address of router interface | IP address in CIDR format |
mtu | optional | Mtu | Integer Value |
interfaceSpeed | optional | Interface Speed | Integer Value in bits per second |
operationalSpeed | optional | Operational Speed | Integer Value in bits per second |
administrativeStatus | mandatory | Administrative Status | UP, DOWN |
operationalStatus | mandatory | Operational Status | UP, DOWN |
hardwareAddress | optional | physical / mac address | Mac Address for format(MM:MM:MM:SS:SS:SS or MM-MM-MM-SS-SS-SS or MMM.MMM.SSS.SSS) |
duplex | optional | Duplex | FULL, HALF, AUTO |
connected | mandatory | connected | TRUE, FALSE |
loadBalancedProtocol | optional | Load Balanced Protocol | VRRP, GLBP, HSRP, VARP, OTHER |
loadBalancedIpAddress | optional | Load balanced IP Address | Load Balanced Protocol IP Address |
- routes.csv - contains all routes. MANDATORY
Column Name | Mandatory / Optional | Description | Accepted Value |
name | mandatory | name of route | Generally, name is same as network |
network | mandatory | network of route | Network IP in CIDR Format |
nextHop | mandatory | next hop of route | Use IP Address or DIRECT. If there is no nextHop ip address for DIRECT routeType then use DIRECT. |
routeType | mandatory | route type eg. static, dynamic | Use Direct or any other routing protocol like OSPF, BGP, Static, etc. |
interfaceName | mandatory | interface name | |
vrf | mandatory | vrf | VRFs defined in vrfs.csv |
- peer-devices.csv - contains list of redundant devices with respect the switch. OPTIONAL
Column Name | Mandatory / Optional | Description | Accepted Value |
peerIpAddress | mandatory | peer device ip address | |
peerHostname | mandatory | peer device hostname |
- neighbors.csv - contains list of LLDP/CDP neighbors. OPTIONAL
Column Name | Mandatory / Optional | Description | Accepted Value |
localInterface | mandatory | local switch port name | Interfaces defined in switch-ports.csv |
remoteDevice | mandatory | remote device ip/fqdn | |
remoteInterface | mandatory | remote device interface |
- mac-address-table.csv - contains mac address table. OPTIONAL
Column Name | Mandatory / Optional | Description | Accepted Value |
macAddress | mandatory | mac address | Mac Address for format(MM:MM:MM:SS:SS:SS or MM-MM-MM-SS-SS-SS or MMM.MMM.SSS.SSS) |
vlan | mandatory | vlan | VLAN-ID in Integer value |
switchPort | mandatory | local switch port name | Interfaces defined in switch-ports.csv |
- l2bridges.csv - contains list of layer 2 (vlan) bridges. OPTIONAL
Column Name | Mandatory / Optional | Description | Accepted Value |
name | mandatory | name of layer 2 bridge | |
vlans | mandatory | all the vlans of bridge | Comma separated Integer values (Note: use double quotes) |
5. YAML Configuration
YAML configuration is defined in sections.
- Workloads - Contains workload definition which needs to be run. Workloads defined in top are executed first and one defined in bottom is executed last.
- Each workload definition has following items.
- table_id - refer result with an id.
- command - command to execute
- block parser - Parser to parse blocks
- parser - to parse each block, in any, otherwise full command output
- pre_post_processor - If there is any custom handling required before and after parsing then it can be defined.
- reuse_command - If command output needs to be processed differently then instead of re-executing the same command we can reuse already stored command output.
- reuse_tables - Already created tables can be reused as per requirement.
- reuse_table_processor - Define class which can operate on listed reuse_tables.
- Table Joiner - Used for joining table. More information below.
- Result writer - Used to write table, reference with table_id, to csv file.
- Result writer accepts generation directory parameter which tells in which directory csv files to generate.
- Package Handler - Used to package files into a zip format.
- Package Handler accepts path parameter which tells which directory to compress as zip.
6. Parser Definition
There are several kinds of parsers defined broadly defined in two categories
Block Parsers - To parse command output where there is definite pattern of blocks reappearing every time.
- SimpleBlockParser - Parses block if newline is present
- LineBasedBlockParser - Similar to SimpleBlockParser but here you can specify line pattern (regex) reappearing.
- Arguments
- line_pattern
- Arguments
- PatternBasedBlockParser - Similar to LineBasedBlockParser but here you can specify start_pattern and end_pattern
- Arguments
- start_pattern
- end_pattern
- Arguments
- GenericBlockParser - It is wrapper of all other Block Parsers. Accepts parameter same as other block parsers.
- Arguments -
- line_pattern
- start_pattern and end_pattern
- Arguments -
Text Parsers - Each blocks has fields which needs to be parsed.
- Horizontal Table parser - Parses block in tabular format and creates list of key values.
- Arguments
- skip_head - Number of lines to skip from start(top) of block
- skip_tail - Number of lines to skip from end(bottom) of block
- header_keys - Define Column headers names
- Arguments
- Vertical Table parser - Parses data in vertical data format and creates list of key values.
- Arguments
- skip_head - Number of lines to skip from start(top) of block
- skip_tail - Number of lines to skip from end(bottom) of block
- delimiter - Field delimiter. Default is colon
- Arguments
- Generic Text Parser - Can parse block using regex pattern. Regex pattern must have group to select values.
- Arguments - Contains variable arguments where argument name is the key to regex group value.
For example, if we want to parse mtu value from text like
MTU 1500 Bytes
. In that case, we would define argument asmtu: MTU (.*) Bytes
is key and regex would beMTU (.*) Bytes
. Regex group value is surrounded with parenthesis which will be parsed.
- Arguments - Contains variable arguments where argument name is the key to regex group value.
For example, if we want to parse mtu value from text like
- Horizontal Table parser - Parses block in tabular format and creates list of key values.
NOTE: All the parsers produce output as list of dictionaries.
7. Table Joiner
Parsers create list of key value pairs which is logically in tabular format. There are scenarios where we need to join two table having same column values. Table joiner accept parameter as source table, source column, destination table and destination column. Such table join can be considered as RIGHT join denoted by source_table RIGHT JOIN destination_table.
- SimpleTableJoiner - a table joiner which is able to join two tables (list for key value pairs) into a single table.
Table Joiner configuration accept following parameters.
- name: Name of table joiner to be used. For example, joiner.table_joiner.SimpleTableJoiner
- source_table: Source table for joining. Source table can be referred using table_id which is already defined in command list
- destination_table: Destination table for joining. Destination table can be referred using table_id which is already defined in command list
- source_column: Column from source table
- destination_column: Column from destination table
- joined_table_id: table id for referencing final joined table
8. Example
Example depicts the thought process on implementing a new unsupported device. See example here.
9. Uploading Output Zipfile
This SDK also includes API integration with vRNI. The script network_insight_sdk_generic_datasources/common/
can be run using the following parameters:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:./network-insight-sdk-python/swagger_client-py2.7.egg
python ./network-insight-sdk-python/examples/ --platform_ip my-platform-hostname \
--proxy_ip my-proxy-hostname --username test@local --password 'test' \
--device_ip_or_fqdn device_ip_or_fqdn --zip_file_path
10. Running SDK and Uploading
Combining the SDK and the upload script would go as follows:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/network-insight-sdk-generic-datasources
python network_insight_sdk_generic_datasources/ -d juniper -m srx -s JUNIPER_JUNOS -i abc.srx.lab -u test -p 'test' -o
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:./network-insight-sdk-python/swagger_client-py2.7.egg
python ./network-insight-sdk-python/examples/ --platform_ip my-platform-hostname \
--proxy_ip my-proxy-hostname --username test@local --password 'test' \
--device_ip_or_fqdn device_ip_or_fqdn --zip_file_path
Feel free to raise issues and send pull requests, we'll be happy to look at them!