ansible-collection-alb copied to clipboard
VMware Advanced Load Balancer (formerly Avi) Ansible Collection
Advanced Load Balancer (formerly Avi) Ansible Collection
Ansible version compatibility
This collection has been tested against following Ansible versions: >=2.9.10.
Python Support
- Collection supports >= 3.5
Installation and Usage
Ansible must be installed
pip install ansible
Install ALB collection using ansible-galaxy
ansible-galaxy collection install vmware.alb
Install ALB collection using requirements.yml
Create requirements.yml
file using below contents
- name: vmware.alb
Install the collection:
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
Required Python libraries
ALB collection depends upon following third party libraries:
- ovftool Please downlod the ovftool from:
How to install ovftool
cd /home/user/downloads
chmod 755 VMware-ovftool-4.4.0-15722219-lin.x86_64.bundle
sudo ./VMware-ovftool-4.4.0-15722219-lin.x86_64.bundle
Installing required libraries
After ALB collection installation we need to install the required python libraries using following command:
pip install -r ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/vmware/alb/requirements.txt
Name | Description |
vmware.alb.avi_actiongroupconfig | Module to create update or delete ActionGroupConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_albservicesconfig | Module to create update or delete ALBServicesConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_albservicesfiledownload | Module to create update or delete ALBServicesFileDownload |
vmware.alb.avi_albservicesfileupload | Module to create update or delete ALBServicesFileUpload |
vmware.alb.avi_albservicesjob | Module to create update or delete ALBServicesJob |
vmware.alb.avi_alertconfig | Module to create update or delete AlertConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_alertemailconfig | Module to create update or delete AlertEmailConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_alertscriptconfig | Module to create update or delete AlertScriptConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_alertsyslogconfig | Module to create update or delete AlertSyslogConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_analyticsprofile | Module to create update or delete AnalyticsProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_api_fileservice | Module to create update or delete ApiFileservice |
vmware.alb.avi_api_image | Module to create update or delete ApiImage |
vmware.alb.avi_api_session | Module to create update or delete ApiSession |
vmware.alb.avi_api_version | Module to create update or delete ApiVersion |
vmware.alb.avi_applicationpersistenceprofile | Module to create update or delete ApplicationPersistenceProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_applicationprofile | Module to create update or delete ApplicationProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_authmappingprofile | Module to create update or delete AuthMappingProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_authprofile | Module to create update or delete AuthProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_autoscalelaunchconfig | Module to create update or delete AutoScaleLaunchConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_availabilityzone | Module to create update or delete AvailabilityZone |
vmware.alb.avi_backup | Module to create update or delete Backup |
vmware.alb.avi_backupconfiguration | Module to create update or delete BackupConfiguration |
vmware.alb.avi_bootstrap_controller | Module to create update or delete BootstrapController |
vmware.alb.avi_botconfigconsolidator | Module to create update or delete BotConfigConsolidator |
vmware.alb.avi_botdetectionpolicy | Module to create update or delete BotDetectionPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_botipreputationtypemapping | Module to create update or delete BotIPReputationTypeMapping |
vmware.alb.avi_botmapping | Module to create update or delete BotMapping |
vmware.alb.avi_certificatemanagementprofile | Module to create update or delete CertificateManagementProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_cloud | Module to create update or delete Cloud |
vmware.alb.avi_cloudconnectoruser | Module to create update or delete CloudConnectorUser |
vmware.alb.avi_cloudproperties | Module to create update or delete CloudProperties |
vmware.alb.avi_cluster | Module to create update or delete Cluster |
vmware.alb.avi_clusterclouddetails | Module to create update or delete ClusterCloudDetails |
vmware.alb.avi_controllerportalregistration | Module to create update or delete ControllerPortalRegistration |
vmware.alb.avi_controllerproperties | Module to create update or delete ControllerProperties |
vmware.alb.avi_controllersite | Module to create update or delete ControllerSite |
vmware.alb.avi_csrfpolicy | Module to create update or delete CSRFPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_customipamdnsprofile | Module to create update or delete CustomIpamDnsProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_deploy_controller | Module to create update or delete DeployController |
vmware.alb.avi_dnspolicy | Module to create update or delete DnsPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_dynamicdnsrecord | Module to create update or delete DynamicDnsRecord |
vmware.alb.avi_errorpagebody | Module to create update or delete ErrorPageBody |
vmware.alb.avi_errorpageprofile | Module to create update or delete ErrorPageProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_federationcheckpoint | Module to create update or delete FederationCheckpoint |
vmware.alb.avi_fileobject | Module to create update or delete FileObject |
vmware.alb.avi_geodb | Module to create update or delete GeoDB |
vmware.alb.avi_gslb | Module to create update or delete Gslb |
vmware.alb.avi_gslbgeodbprofile | Module to create update or delete GslbGeoDbProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_gslbservice | Module to create update or delete GslbService |
vmware.alb.avi_gslbservice_patch_member | Module to create update or delete GslbservicePatchMember |
vmware.alb.avi_hardwaresecuritymodulegroup | Module to create update or delete HardwareSecurityModuleGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_healthmonitor | Module to create update or delete HealthMonitor |
vmware.alb.avi_httppolicyset | Module to create update or delete HTTPPolicySet |
vmware.alb.avi_icapprofile | Module to create update or delete IcapProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_image | Module to create update or delete Image |
vmware.alb.avi_inventoryfaultconfig | Module to create update or delete InventoryFaultConfig |
vmware.alb.avi_ipaddrgroup | Module to create update or delete IpAddrGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_ipamdnsproviderprofile | Module to create update or delete IpamDnsProviderProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_ipreputationdb | Module to create update or delete IPReputationDB |
vmware.alb.avi_jwtserverprofile | Module to create update or delete JWTServerProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_l4policyset | Module to create update or delete L4PolicySet |
vmware.alb.avi_labelgroup | Module to create update or delete LabelGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_licenseledgerdetails | Module to create update or delete LicenseLedgerDetails |
vmware.alb.avi_licensestatus | Module to create update or delete LicenseStatus |
vmware.alb.avi_memorybalancerrequest | Module to create update or delete MemoryBalancerRequest |
vmware.alb.avi_microservicegroup | Module to create update or delete MicroServiceGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_natpolicy | Module to create update or delete NatPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_network | Module to create update or delete Network |
vmware.alb.avi_networkprofile | Module to create update or delete NetworkProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_networksecuritypolicy | Module to create update or delete NetworkSecurityPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_networkservice | Module to create update or delete NetworkService |
vmware.alb.avi_nsxtsegmentruntime | Module to create update or delete NsxtSegmentRuntime |
vmware.alb.avi_pkiprofile | Module to create update or delete PKIProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_pool | Module to create update or delete Pool |
vmware.alb.avi_poolgroup | Module to create update or delete PoolGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_poolgroupdeploymentpolicy | Module to create update or delete PoolGroupDeploymentPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_prioritylabels | Module to create update or delete PriorityLabels |
vmware.alb.avi_protocolparser | Module to create update or delete ProtocolParser |
vmware.alb.avi_pulse_registration | Module to create update or delete PulseRegistration |
vmware.alb.avi_role | Module to create update or delete Role |
vmware.alb.avi_saml_api_session | Module to create update or delete SamlApiSession |
vmware.alb.avi_scheduler | Module to create update or delete Scheduler |
vmware.alb.avi_securitymanagerdata | Module to create update or delete SecurityManagerData |
vmware.alb.avi_securitypolicy | Module to create update or delete SecurityPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_seproperties | Module to create update or delete SeProperties |
vmware.alb.avi_serverautoscalepolicy | Module to create update or delete ServerAutoScalePolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_serviceauthprofile | Module to create update or delete ServiceAuthProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_serviceengine | Module to create update or delete ServiceEngine |
vmware.alb.avi_serviceenginegroup | Module to create update or delete Serviceenginegroup |
vmware.alb.avi_serviceenginegroup | Module to create update or delete ServiceEngineGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_serviceenginegroup_advanced | Module to create update or delete ServiceenginegroupAdvanced |
vmware.alb.avi_siteversion | Module to create update or delete SiteVersion |
vmware.alb.avi_snmptrapprofile | Module to create update or delete SnmpTrapProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_sslkeyandcertificate | Module to create update or delete SSLKeyAndCertificate |
vmware.alb.avi_sslprofile | Module to create update or delete SSLProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_ssopolicy | Module to create update or delete SSOPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_statediffoperation | Module to create update or delete StatediffOperation |
vmware.alb.avi_statediffsnapshot | Module to create update or delete StatediffSnapshot |
vmware.alb.avi_stringgroup | Module to create update or delete StringGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_systemconfiguration | Module to create update or delete SystemConfiguration |
vmware.alb.avi_systemlimits | Module to create update or delete SystemLimits |
vmware.alb.avi_systemreport | Module to create update or delete SystemReport |
vmware.alb.avi_tenant | Module to create update or delete Tenant |
vmware.alb.avi_tenantsystemconfiguration | Module to create update or delete TenantSystemConfiguration |
vmware.alb.avi_testsedatastorelevel1 | Module to create update or delete TestSeDatastoreLevel1 |
vmware.alb.avi_testsedatastorelevel2 | Module to create update or delete TestSeDatastoreLevel2 |
vmware.alb.avi_testsedatastorelevel3 | Module to create update or delete TestSeDatastoreLevel3 |
vmware.alb.avi_trafficcloneprofile | Module to create update or delete TrafficCloneProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_update_se_data_vnics | Module to create update or delete UpdateSeDataVnics |
vmware.alb.avi_upgradestatusinfo | Module to create update or delete UpgradeStatusInfo |
vmware.alb.avi_upgradestatussummary | Module to create update or delete UpgradeStatusSummary |
vmware.alb.avi_user | Module to create update or delete User |
vmware.alb.avi_useraccount | Module to create update or delete Useraccount |
vmware.alb.avi_useraccountprofile | Module to create update or delete UserAccountProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_vcenterserver | Module to create update or delete VCenterServer |
vmware.alb.avi_virtualservice | Module to create update or delete VirtualService |
vmware.alb.avi_vrfcontext | Module to create update or delete VrfContext |
vmware.alb.avi_vsdatascriptset | Module to create update or delete VSDataScriptSet |
vmware.alb.avi_vsgs | Module to create update or delete VsGs |
vmware.alb.avi_vsvip | Module to create update or delete VsVip |
vmware.alb.avi_wafapplicationsignatureprovider | Module to create update or delete WafApplicationSignatureProvider |
vmware.alb.avi_wafpolicy | Module to create update or delete WafPolicy |
vmware.alb.avi_wafpolicypsmgroup | Module to create update or delete WafPolicyPSMGroup |
vmware.alb.avi_wafprofile | Module to create update or delete WafProfile |
vmware.alb.avi_webapput | Module to create update or delete WebappUT |
vmware.alb.avi_webhook | Module to create update or delete Webhook |
Testing with ansible-test
Refer testing for more information.
Publishing New Version
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- vmware.alb
- name: Example to create a Pool object
username: "admin"
password: "something"
controller: ""
api_version: "21.1.1"
name: app1-pool
- ip:
addr: ""
type: 'V4'
Example usage of external credentials/variable file while using alb module
# creds.yml
controller: ""
username: "admin"
password: "password"
api_version: 20.1.5
# example.yml
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- vmware.alb
- creds.yml
- name: Example to create a Pool object
avi_credentials: "{{ avi_credentials | default(omit) }}"
name: app1-pool
- ip:
addr: ""
type: 'V4'
Example for using aviconfig role:
# config.yml
- name: role1-pool
- ip:
type: 'V4'
# collection.yml
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- vmware.alb
- name: Create pool using aviconfig role
name: aviconfig
avi_config_file: "config.yml"
avi_creds_file: "creds.yml"
# avi_creds_file parameter is only valid for aviconfig role.
# For importing credentials from external file in modules,
# please use vars_files parameter as shown in previous example
Notes Please use Python >= 3.8 if you are using avi_serviceenginegroup module as it has more than 255 arguments