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Unsupported value: "RestoreVolumeInfo"

Open amrap030 opened this issue 4 months ago • 2 comments

What steps did you take and what happened:

I just tried to restore a backupt with the following command: velero restore create restore01 --include-namespaces cert-manager --from-backup velero-daily-20241017030011

When I then run velero restore describe restore01 I can see the following error:

Restore PVs:  auto
              <error getting restore volume info: "restore01-1fe601c7-105a-4cf3-8a56-81f74fc0f4e2" is invalid: Unsupported value: "RestoreVolumeInfo": supported values: "BackupLog", "BackupContents", "BackupVolumeSnapshots", "BackupItemOperations", "BackupResourceList", "BackupResults", "RestoreLog", "RestoreResults", "RestoreResourceList", "RestoreItemOperations", "CSIBackupVolumeSnapshots", "CSIBackupVolumeSnapshotContents", "BackupVolumeInfos">

I made sure that all latest crds are installed but I still get the error.

What did you expect to happen:

I expect to restore the backup without errors.

The following information will help us better understand what's going on:

If you are using velero v1.7.0+:
Please use velero debug --backup <backupname> --restore <restorename> to generate the support bundle, and attach to this issue, more options please refer to velero debug --help

If you are using earlier versions:
Please provide the output of the following commands (Pasting long output into a GitHub gist or other pastebin is fine.)

  • kubectl logs deployment/velero -n velero
  • velero backup describe <backupname> or kubectl get backup/<backupname> -n velero -o yaml
  • velero backup logs <backupname>
  • velero restore describe <restorename> or kubectl get restore/<restorename> -n velero -o yaml
  • velero restore logs <restorename>

Anything else you would like to add:


  • Velero version (use velero version): 1.14.1
  • Velero features (use velero client config get features):
  • Kubernetes version (use kubectl version): v1.31.1
  • Kubernetes installer & version: juju charms
  • Cloud provider or hardware configuration: Openstack
  • OS (e.g. from /etc/os-release):

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  • :+1: for "I would like to see this bug fixed as soon as possible"
  • :-1: for "There are more important bugs to focus on right now"

amrap030 avatar Oct 21 '24 17:10 amrap030