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backupstoragelocation can't be completely configured via Helm
I'm installing velero using the helm chart https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/helm-charts/releases/tag/velero-2.23.3 with Minio as the backing S3 service.
The backupstoragelocation was never progressing to the Available
phase and backups were failing. I looked at this documentation: https://velero.io/docs/v1.6/troubleshooting/#is-velero-using-the-correct-cloud-credentials, under the Troubleshooting BackupStorageLocation credentials header, regarding the .spec.credential.key
and .spec.credential.name
fields. So I hand-patched those into the backupstoragelocation
in the cluster with values cloud
and cloud-credentials
respectively and suddenly everything worked. (I was already patching in the caCert
Problem is, the helm chart does not appear to provide a way to do that. The backupstoragelocation.yaml
in the templates directory and the values.yaml
do not appear to have have a way to specify this, so it looks like I need to patch it after the chart deploys. Do you think I'm missing something?
In general, when I deploy Velero, I'll prepare the credential-velero
locally. And when helm install, specify the credential as
helm install velero \
--set-file credentials.secretContents.cloud=credentials-velero \
Or, you could use the pre-existing secret key, you could use https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/helm-charts/blob/velero-2.23.3/charts/velero/values.yaml#L273.
Or, you could specify it in https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/helm-charts/blob/velero-2.23.3/charts/velero/values.yaml#L282-L287.
I think what he's saying is, entries here https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/helm-charts/blob/velero-2.23.3/charts/velero/values.yaml#L273 don't get applied to https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/helm-charts/blob/velero-2.23.6/charts/velero/templates/backupstoragelocation.yaml . I have the credentials.existingSecret
value set here https://github.com/jgilfoil/k8s-gitops/blob/main/cluster/apps/velero/helm-release.yaml#L46-L47, however the resulting object in my cluster doesn't get the credentials value applied:
vagrant@control:/code/k8s-gitops$ kubectl get backupstoragelocations -n velero default -o yaml
apiVersion: velero.io/v1
kind: BackupStorageLocation
helm.sh/hook: post-install,post-upgrade,post-rollback
helm.sh/hook-delete-policy: before-hook-creation
creationTimestamp: "2021-09-12T01:33:21Z"
generation: 2
app.kubernetes.io/instance: velero
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
app.kubernetes.io/name: velero
helm.sh/chart: velero-2.23.6
name: default
namespace: velero
resourceVersion: "26461410"
uid: 2ffbd94e-3649-4192-b1f6-26593c1ba426
region: us-east-1
s3ForcePathStyle: "true"
s3Url: http://<minio_address>:9000
default: true
bucket: velero
provider: aws
lastValidationTime: "2021-09-12T18:05:08Z"
phase: Unavailable
The credential exists and is mounted to the pods however:
vagrant@control:/code/k8s-gitops$ kubectl -n velero describe pod -l name=velero
Name: velero-67c547d658-bvtv7
Namespace: velero
Priority: 0
... < snipped for brevity>
/credentials from cloud-credentials (rw)
/plugins from plugins (rw)
/scratch from scratch (rw)
/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from velero-server-token-ssrf2 (ro)
Type Status
Initialized True
Ready True
ContainersReady True
PodScheduled True
Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
SecretName: velero-s3-creds
Optional: false
Type: EmptyDir (a temporary directory that shares a pod's lifetime)
SizeLimit: <unset>
Type: EmptyDir (a temporary directory that shares a pod's lifetime)
SizeLimit: <unset>
Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
SecretName: velero-server-token-ssrf2
Optional: false
QoS Class: Burstable
Node-Selectors: <none>
Tolerations: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
Events: <none>
vagrant@control:/code/k8s-gitops$ kubectl describe secret -n velero velero-s3-creds
Name: velero-s3-creds
Namespace: velero
Labels: kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/name=apps
Annotations: kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/checksum: f5f71438f60014cebb79536703be7606547cc615
Type: Opaque
cloud: 86 bytes
Btw, for what it's worth, the issue I was having that led me here, actually had nothing to do with the credentials not being attached to the backupstoragelocation. I got my backups working without that being set, which kinda leads me to believe that the troubleshooting steps https://velero.io/docs/v1.6/troubleshooting/#troubleshooting-backupstoragelocation-credentials are incorrect, as it works just fine without those creds being set there.
Seeing a similar issue as above. If we set velero credentials.useSecret
to false, the BSL is still including a credentials and credential.key
field and because the secret does not exist the BSL is not becoming available without manual intervention to remove the credential.
error="unable to get credentials: unable to get key for secret: Secret \"\" not found" error.file="/go/src/github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/internal/credentials/file_store.go:69" error.function="github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/internal/credentials.(*namespacedFileStore).Path" logSource="pkg/controller/backup_sync_controller.go:175"
I couldn't get it working iwth existingSecret: bsl-credentials
creating secret with aws
key per docs:
kubectl create secret generic -n velero bsl-credentials --from-file=aws=/tmp/bsl-credentials.txt
It worked when I changed the aws
key to cloud
, though:
kubectl create secret generic -n velero bsl-credentials --from-file=cloud=/tmp/bsl-credentials.txt
I couldn't get it working iwth
existingSecret: bsl-credentials
creating secret withaws
key per docs:kubectl create secret generic -n velero bsl-credentials --from-file=aws=/tmp/bsl-credentials.txt
It worked when I changed the
key tocloud
, though:kubectl create secret generic -n velero bsl-credentials --from-file=cloud=/tmp/bsl-credentials.txt
:thinking: Probably the error in the plugin's README. But the helm chart values.yaml indicates that the key should be cloud.