cluster-api-provider-bringyourownhost copied to clipboard
./byoh-hostagent --bootstrap-kubeconfig bootstrap-kubeconfig.conf in docker environment is failing with TLS handshake timeout error
I tried creating the cluster-api-provider-bringyourownhost in docker environment by following the doc
My setup was in Docker and as so I executed the following
I downloaded the byoh-hostagent-linux-amd64 following the mentioned doc
Also copied the binary and bootstrap-kubeconfig.conf to running Docker container
Before coping, I have also updated the KInd IP by following the steps
export KIND_IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' kind-control-plane) sed -i 's/ server\:.*/ server\: https\:\/\/'"$KIND_IP"'\:6443/g' ~/bootstrap-kubeconfig.conf
After that, I tried registering the host agent on each of the container by following steps
export HOST_NAME=host2 docker exec -it $HOST_NAME sh -c "chmod +x byoh-hostagent && ./byoh-hostagent --bootstrap-kubeconfig bootstrap-kubeconfig.conf"
Actual Output
It failed with TLS handshake timeout
It could be related to the bootstrap-kubeconfig.conf
. Please double-check the way you have generated the bootstrap kubeconfig. Could you also try kubectl get pods --kubeconfig bootstrap-kubeconfig.conf
, this should fail with an authorization error and not the TLS handshake timeout.