ng-clarity copied to clipboard
The date range modal and the input of 'date' are not in line...
As one navigates to the modal the put in the FROM date... after filling the from date the TO date can't be sooner then that from Date. okay no problem, can be arranged and set with the modal click.
however... at that point I can paste in any text (date) and it can differ from the restrictions that are set in the modal section.
expected: they should be in line.
at entering the text date: "pasting a date should be checked against the settings set at the modal" so to speak.
Clarity version:
[ X ] v12.x v13.x Other: Framework:
[ X ] Angular React Vue Other: Framework version: Angular 12
OS: Windows Browser Edge
Hello, can you please create a working example of the issue you're describing here:
yeah that's kinda difficult indeed... just don't start typing the date but instead copy a whole date in notepad and then paste that date into the input field and you will probably notice the difference! :)
We need a Stackblitz reproduction with instructions in order to triage this issue. I cannot determine the issue with given information.
We don't have a "date range modal" component, so I am not sure what exactly this issue is referencing.
This issue references v12 which has not been supported for more than a year and is lacking the requested reproduction. Please open a fresh issue with a current (v16+) Stackblitz reproduction if this is still an issue.
Hi there 👋, this is an automated message. To help Clarity keep track of discussions, we automatically lock closed issues after 14 days. Please look for another open issue or open a new issue with updated details and reference this one as necessary.