ng-clarity copied to clipboard for v13 not working
This bug if for the website ONLY not the framework.
Describe the bug
When ever you go to and select the documentation for v13 you get 404. I am assuming that clarity supports angular 13 and the 13 refers to angular 13
How to reproduce
Got to and click Example
You should get 404 Result
Hi @Aleksander-D-92,
Thank you with raising an issue for it.
We are aware of that issue and we are working on it.
Will update the issue when we resolve it.
The 404 error is no more, probably fixed while fixing a temporary 404 error for the v12 website. An issue remains with the version indicator, which still shows "Version 12" on the "" website, which actually displays the content for the "Version 13". Leaving this open until we fix the version indicator.
We no longer have the version switcher on our website. The v13 documentation can be found here:
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