kubewatch copied to clipboard
Ignore SSL certificate for hipchat
We have self-signed certificate for hipchat server. Is there any flag i can set insecure = true to ignore the error or any workaround to solve this problem ?
Logs- time="2018-12-10T10:37:06Z" level=info msg="Processing update to pod: default/nginx-deployment-75675f5897-d6zrn" pkg=kubewatch-pod time="2018-12-10T10:37:06Z" level=info msg="Processing update to deployment: default/nginx-deployment" pkg=kubewatch-deployment 2018/12/10 10:37:06 Post https://hipchat.internal/room/425/notification: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority 2018/12/10 10:37:06 Post https://hipchat.internal/room/425/notification: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
any luck to go around https?
use insecure_skip_verify: true under http_config.
See documentation. https://prometheus.io/docs/alerting/configuration/#http_config
how does your .kubewatch.yaml looks like ?
Something like this
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: kubewatch
namespace: kube-system
app: kubewatch
.kubewatch.yaml: |
token: "asdasdasdasd"
room: "42"
url: "https://hipchat.internal/v2/"
deployment: true
pod: true
services: true
ingress: true
daemonset: false
job: false
persistentvolume: false
replicaset: false
replicationcontroller: false
i was missing the / after v2 :-)
thank you very much