kubewatch copied to clipboard
Server returns status 404
All i get is this error, but I have no idea why. I think its something related to connecting to the hipchat api, but theres literally nothing in the logs to support that.
2018/05/11 17:56:35 Server returns status 404
time="2018-05-11T17:56:35Z" level=info msg="Processing change to Pod kube-system/kube-proxy-6q4mq" pkg=kubewatch-pod
2018/05/11 17:56:35 Server returns status 404
time="2018-05-11T17:56:35Z" level=info msg="Processing change to Pod kube-system/heapster-rmstl" pkg=kubewatch-pod
2018/05/11 17:56:35 Server returns status 404```
@kplimack I see what you're saying, this definitely feels like an issue with hipchat / hipchat configuration. Can you provide what your .kubewatch.yml looks like?
@tylerauerbeck i added another volmount for the kubectl kubeconfig, that part wasnt in the docs, but it appeared to be necessary.
cat kubewatch-configmap.yaml kubewatch.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: kubewatch
.kubewatch.yaml: |
token: "REDACTED"
room: "kubernetes-alerts"
deployment: true
replicationcontroller: true
replicaset: true
daemonset: true
services: true
pod: true
secret: true
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kubewatch
namespace: kube-system
serviceAccountName: kubewatch
- image: skippbox/kubewatch:v0.0.4
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: kubewatch
- name: config-volume
mountPath: /root
- name: kubewatch-kubeconfig
mountPath: /root/.kube
- image: gcr.io/skippbox/kubectl:v1.3.0
- proxy
- "-p"
- "8080"
name: proxy
imagePullPolicy: Always
restartPolicy: Always
- name: config-volume
name: kubewatch
- name: kubewatch-kubeconfig
name: kubewatch-kubeconfig
@kplimack Thanks. I'm going to try to get a quick sample Hipchat room set up and then I'll let you know what I'm seeing. I think this is also a good note that we probably want to add some additional logging so that we know whether an error is coming from kubewatch or any of the apps that we talk to.
@tylerauerbeck have you had a chance to play with the hipchat integration
I'm experiencing the same thing:
room: 1234567
token: ******************************
url: https://**********.hipchat.com
time="2018-08-23T00:55:39Z" level=info msg="Processing update to deployment: default/kubewatch" pkg=kubewatch-deployment
time="2018-08-23T00:55:39Z" level=info msg="Kubewatch controller synced and ready" pkg=kubewatch-pod
2018/08/23 00:55:40 Server returns status 404
2018/08/23 00:55:40 Server returns status 404
2018/08/23 00:55:40 Server returns status 404```
When I hit this, it was because my url was invalid. I attempted to give it the url I saw in the web client.
Something like,
I just deleted the url variable, and it worked. The default value worked fine.