react-native-azure-auth copied to clipboard
android stuck on "continue", does nothing
When I attempt to sign in, and press "continue" it does nothing.
- android physical device, React native Firebase.
- iOS, Microsoft Sign in works fine with react-native-azure-auth lib.
- code client id and redirect sources
- client id is from the entra > app registration > overview > app client id
- redirect uri is from entra > app registration > authentication > android card > redirect uri.
- redirect uri looks something like msauth://
- made sure the package name matches my app package name.
- in the Entra auth page,
- ID tokens (used for implicit and hybrid flows) and Access tokens (used for implicit flows) are checked.
- Allow public client flows set to yes.
- In firebase auth page, added my client id and secret to that microsoft sign in section. client id and secret are from entra app registrations.
// my code
import AzureAuth from 'react-native-azure-auth' // 1.8.9
const azureAuth = new AzureAuth({
const tokens = await azureAuth.webAuth.authorize({
scope: 'email openid profile User.Read offline_access',
prompt: 'select_account'
console.log('tokens') // <--- never gets to here
Please check the issue #27 and give your feedback here 🙏🏻
same @vmurin issue for me i have checked
here is the intent filter<intent-filter android:label="redirect"> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> <data android:scheme="msauth" android:host="package-name" android:pathPrefix="/signature-hash" /> </intent-filter>
in place of package-name i have used my real package name
in place of signature-hash i have used my signature-hash
same problem :( @qwert251102
I tried different variants, one at a time, Androidmanifest.xml. none worked
following tried variant 2,3 and 4. failed.
# Androidmanifest.xml
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<!-- variant 0 start from author's docs. -->
<!-- variant 0 end -->
<!-- variation 1 start -->
android:host="com.<my package name>"
<!-- variation 1 end-->
<!-- variation 2 start -->
android:scheme="msauth://" // from android redirect
<!-- variation 2 end -->
<!-- variation 3 start -->
android:scheme="msal2b9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2a3://auth" // from mobile/desktop redirect
<!-- variation 3 end -->
<!-- variation 4 start -->
android:scheme="msal2b9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2a3" // from mobile/desktop redirect
<!-- variation 4 end -->
// react native code
const azureAuth = new AzureAuth({ clientId, redirectUri })
const tokens = await azureAuth.webAuth.authorize({
scope: 'email openid profile User.Read offline_access',
prompt: 'select_account'
how i created my hash
- i tried both development via using debug.keystore and production from the google play store downloading
- from a mac, ie. using cli command:
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
to generate the hash - taking the hash in to get redirect uri
- MS entra website > app registrations > and in the android section -> to get the redirect uri.
- putting hash in androidmanifest, as seen above.
- and redirecturi my react native code seen above.
entra auth setup
- Android section
- has the sign hash and redirect uri
- mobile desktop application has the uris:
- com.
.prod://com. .prod/android/callback - msal2b98xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2a3://auth
I still have problem where "continue" button doesnt do anything. im sure its something wrong with redirect url or some config around that.
as a side note, iOS microsoft sign in with this library works fine.
Hi @jliukai
please try following:
- remove android as a Platform from the App registration. It is actually enough to have "Mobile and Desktop applications" 2a. Use you the variant 4 but double check the URL spelling 2b. Or Use the variant as in the documentation
here supposed "" is your package name and it is correctly put in the Azure App registration as the callback URI
- please check the value of the
variable in the codeconst azureAuth = new AzureAuth({ clientId, redirectUri })
It should be exactly copy-pasted from Azure URIs list
The main rule: App registration callback URI === redirectUri variable === android:scheme + :// + android:host + android:pathPrefix
it worked!! thank you thank you!!!
- removed android section in Entra app registration.
- redirect URI in new AzureAuth is com.<>://com.<>/android/callback
- and the original instructed code in android manifest worked.
# androidManifest.xml
@jliukai thank you for your feedback