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Golang asynchronous task/job queue with Redis, SQS, IronMQ, and in-memory backends

Results 37 taskq issues
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While testing out taskq together with Redis, we found that our applications would panic, usually after a task failure, on a nil pointer dereference [here in `go-redis`](https://github.com/go-redis/redis/blob/2465baaab55d74ec9d5e42a971b2bf5dba3a6b29/internal/pool/pool.go#L292): ```go func (p...

Is there an easy way to see what jobs are currently in the queue for Redis backend? The closest I could get to was this: ```> XREAD COUNT 112...

We're using taskq with SQS. We're seeing a pretty consistent delays of around 3000ms between when messages are adding to the queue and when the consumer receives the messages. This...

Setting the Worker Limit to anything above 0 throws a nil pointer when using a memqueue. My Setup: ``` qf = memqueue.NewFactory() MessageQueue = qf.RegisterQueue(&taskq.QueueOptions{ Name: "pipeline-worker", MinNumWorker: int32(runtime.NumCPU()), MaxNumWorker:...

wg in redisq/queue.go has no wait method called. Studied and imitated from other queue implementations.

Before this PR, the Unique message (by setting `Message.Name`) is by default have to wait for 24 hours to be invalid. with this `UniqueDuration` field , you can set your...

Would love to see support for some of the other non-hosted queuing systems out there. Kafka/NSQ/RabbitMQ are all pretty solid and those options here would be super interesting!

I'm wondering why the consumer in [https://github.com/vmihailenco/taskq/blob/v3/memqueue/queue.go](url).NewQueue() is started before returning the queue. Doesn't this go against the current design of other queues? Perhaps there is a reason why? ```...

I had left this comment in #106, but figured it was worth asking more directly... > I find it very strange that named tasks will always Exists once added to...