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The safe Markdown parser, reloaded.

Results 105 redcarpet issues
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[Greasy Fork uses **redcarpet** to render markdown but the tab indent is missing]( Markdown Example: 1. Item 1 2. Item 2 a. Item a b. Item b The item a...

First off, thanks for an amazing gem! I did come across a glitch... I think. I was testing the rendering system under high stress. I ran the system in multi...

### Input ```md - Item 1 - Item 2 - Item 3 - Item 4 - Item 5 ``` ### Output ```html Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4...


Would be useful to add a `step` parameter to the `list_item` method for ordered lists. That would allow users to do the following: ```ruby def list_item text, list_type, step =...

Markdown is known for resetting the counter on broken-up ordered lists, where this... ``` 1. Foo 2. Bar Some interruption here 3. Baz ``` ...turns into... ``` 1. Foo 2....

The replacement API was introduced in Ruby 1.9.2 (2010), and the old untyped data API was marked a deprecated in the documentation as of Ruby 2.3.0 (2015) Ref:

I have a text field in markdown, but I don't want to allow the use of headings (h1, h2, etc.). Is it possible to disable headings recognition in redcarpet? Is...

I've run into this issue while trying to migrate from `Kramdown`. This is the KaTeX output for $E = m c^2$: ```html E=m⋅c2E = m \cdot c^2E=m⋅c2 ``` Normally the...

After upgrading a Rails app from 7.08 to 7.11 a custom template handler for markdown files throws this error: `ActionView::Template::Error: wrong argument type ActionView::OutputBuffer (expected String)` This is because the...

I understand this PR might be unwanted and surely unexpected, but I needed this for my own work and I find it useful to at least provide a PR so...