command-line-tweeter icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
command-line-tweeter copied to clipboard

Tweets in from a pipe

Command Line Interface Tweeter

Windows build status Build Status Hackage

Displaying a user timeline in a terminal.

tweet-hs is a command-line tool for twitter. It has more features than its rust counterpart and it's a bit slower.

Reasons to use tweeth-hs:

  • Faster than other tools (t, oysttyer)
  • Support for colored output.
  • Can be used in scripts
  • You know haskell and like being able to extend your tools.
  • You want something that can be called from vim
  • You want a twitter library for haskell.
  • BSD3 licensed

Reasons not to use tweet-hs:

  • You want "twitter in a terminal" that rainbowtools or oysttyer provides.
  • You want to be able to easily tweet emoji

Comparison to other command-line clients

Tool Language Color output Interactive Vim plugin support Scriptable Send emoji
tw Rust x x x
rainbowstream Python x x x
oysttyer Perl x ½
tweet-hs Haskell x x x
t Ruby ½ x


Generate a token to authorize access to your twitter account by following the guide here

Then place your API keys and OAuth tokens in a file ~/.cred.toml, as in the following example:

api-key = "API_KEY_HERE"
api-sec = "API_SECRET_HERE"


If you're on Linux/Windows the best way is probably to download the binaries from the releases page here.

To build from source, install haskell stack; on unix systems this is as simple as

wget -qO- | sh

Then type stack install tweet-hs it will put an executable called tweet on your path.


View Profiles and timelines

To get your timeline, simply type:

tweet view

To view a user's profile, type e.g.

tweet user NateSilver538 --color

Sending tweets

To send a tweet:

tweet send "This is my tweet"

Input from stdin

To tweet from stderr, run a command that pipes stderr to stdin, i.e.

stack build &>/dev/null | tweet input

The tweet executable reads from stdin only, but you can view the options (replies, number of tweets to thread, etc.) with

tweet --help

This script powers the twitter account @my_build_errors for instance. There's an example bash script for in bash/example

Viewing your timeline

You can also use

tweet view


tweet view --color

to view your own timeline.

GHCi integration

You can define the following in your ~/.ghci

:def tweet (\str -> pure $ ":! tweet send \"" ++ str ++ "\"")


The directory bash/ has a mkCompletions script to allow command completions for your convenience.


A haskell package is included. It's fairly easy to use once you have the credentials set up, with two main functions: thread and basicTweet: the first for threading your own tweets or replying to someone else's and the second for just tweeting.