Hello @happyume I hope you are doing well. I am following up with you to see how things are going with preparing your connector. Please let us know if you...
Hello @coatsy, Please unmark this PR a Draft and make it open, if you would like to go for certify your connector.
Hello @coatsy, This PR is open from last three months, please close this and create a new PR when all your things are done.
Hello @justynanowakggsitc, If your connector is ready, please upload all your artifacts and remove proposal label.
Hello Partner, I hope you are doing well. Congratulations, the deployment of your connector and documentation page was already completed, We have a short [survey](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=v4j5cvGGr0GRqy180BHbR0BHMrjhL0hDmckROosW6AFURERIVUUzMk5XRzJGV1dJM1Q5RVZJUjFXSC4u) on the connector certification process...
Hello @justynanowakggsitc, I am following up on this, please submit your artifact and remove the proposal.
Hello @DeeJayTC, Can you please check above comment and provide solution?
Hello @DeeJayTC, I hope you are doing well. I am following up on this, can you please let's know if you would need any help to resolve the comments. You...