ui icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ui copied to clipboard

Windows Application Error when cross compiling from Mac OS

Open phillvancejr opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

V version: 0.2.2 UI version: latest OS: Mac OS 10.13 High Sierra What did you do?

Cross compiled a blank ui window from Mac OS to windows

import ui

fn main()
    win := ui.window({
        width: 500
        height: 500
        title: 'V Test Window'


What did you expect to see? an empty window, currently it works on the host Mac OS: image

What did you see instead? First I received an error about the libpthread-1.dll. After copying this dll next to the exe I get an application error saying, "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b): image

phillvancejr avatar Mar 05 '21 14:03 phillvancejr