videoscripts copied to clipboard
jwplayer and video related utilities
Python scripts to generate tooltip thumbnail images for videos (e.g. mp4,m4v) & associated WebVTT files for use with JWPlayer. Written for MacOSX 10.9, Python 2.7, JWPlayer 6 but should be portable to all major OS's.
Python script to generate thumbnail images for a video, put them into an grid-style sprite, and create a Web VTT file that maps the sprite images to the video segments.
Required dependencies (expected in PATH):
- ffmpeg download here
- imagemagick download here or here or on Mac, use Macports:
sudo port install ImageMagick
Optional dependencies for better image compression:
- sips (part of MAC OSX)
Reference Articles:
Sample Usage:
python /path/to/myvideofile.mp4
You may want to customize the the following variables in
USE_SIPS = True # True if using MacOSX (creates slightly smaller sprites), else set to False to use ImageMagick resizing
THUMB_RATE_SECONDS=45 # every Nth second take a snapshot of the video (tested with 30,45,60)
THUMB_WIDTH=100 # 100-150 is width recommended by JWPlayer, smaller size = smaller sprite for user to download
And just for reference, here's a simplified version of my JWPlayer javascript that links the VTT file to my videos (which are listed in an external SMIL file).
width: '100%',
aspectratio: "711:400",
primary: "flash",
playlist: [{
sources: [{
file: "/video/smil/153/",
type: "rtmp",
file: "",
kind: "thumbnails"
And a sample of a generated WebVTT file.
WEBVTT Img 1 00:00:22.000 --> 00:01:07.000 myvideofile_sprite.jpg#xywh=0,0,100,56 Img 2 00:01:07.000 --> 00:01:52.000 myvideofile_sprite.jpg#xywh=100,0,100,56 Img 3 00:01:52.000 --> 00:02:37.000 myvideofile_sprite.jpg#xywh=200,0,100,56 Img 4 00:02:37.000 --> 00:03:22.000 myvideofile_sprite.jpg#xywh=300,0,100,56 Img 5 00:03:22.000 --> 00:04:07.000 myvideofile_sprite.jpg#xywh=400,0,100,56 Img 6 00:04:07.000 --> 00:04:52.000 myvideofile_sprite.jpg#xywh=500,0,100,56
Sample wrapper script for batch processing a bunch of videos, to make sprites & VTT files for each one, then copy them to a target folder, where they will be web-accessible by JWPlayer track URL. Note - this URL must use same domain as your webserver (per JWPlayer). (In development, you can modify your /etc/hosts file to point to to see sprites in action, assuming your local web server is configured to serve static files from this directory.)
Expects a file name as input. File should be simple text file containing a list of video files (with fully qualified paths or relative paths from script directory).
It generates thumbnails/sprites for each video, then copies the sprite & vtt file to a destination folder defined in the OUTPUT_FOLDER
python filelist.txt
python filelist.txt 20 #override default THUMB_RATE_SECONDS to take snapshot every 20 seconds
Sample filelist.txt contents: