DjangoCommands copied to clipboard
ST2/ST3 plugin for managing django project
Right click on project root shows "New Django project". It would be a good idea to show "RunServer" in this menu too.
Hello everyone Everytime I try to run a Django command on SBT3 with `ctrl+shift+p > Django: any_command`, the command line shows this error: `Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program...
Hi Before i write my issue, i must many tanking of developer that contibute at this package. I installed this package on the SubLime3 that ran on the ArchLinux, i...
When run 'django run server' or other django commands, sublime prompts:` terminal emulator not found: Terminal Using fallback instead.` then look into console, some error here: ``` - Django: Command...
this is my project settings: >{ "browser_after_runserver": "true", "python_virtualenv_paths": "\~/.virtualenvs/", "python_bin" : "\~/.virtualenvs/gurps-django-35/bin/python", "django_project_root":"/home/eugenio/git/django_projects/gurpstools", } and this is my general settings >{ "project_override" : "true", } when I do "run...
Option to choose these consoles would be nice.
when i run **"Run Server"** or any other command nothing happens. Here is sublime text console output, i am getting this error ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program...
- `from shutil import which` not compatible python2 - ` if PLATFORM == 'Darwin': command = ["open", "-a", TERMINAL].extend(command)` command=None - `subprocess.Popen(command, env=env, cwd=self.cwd)` run fail on osx