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QtLocation plugin for Google maps tile API

Results 21 googlemaps issues
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Hi. I made simple project in Qt Creator with QML. The map is working, but Google doesn't see my api key activity. I have another project on JS with the...

Hi, When i am trying to build this library I am receiving the following error. Can you please explain what possibly could the reason be? g++ -c -g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong...

Since there is a new custom map Id option in the GCP console, my suggestion is adding a mapId parameter, and will take advantage of this to add one parameter...

I built plugin using QtCreator and Qt5.6.2 on MacOSX. After build I used terminal to install it using `make install`. How to use it? there is not any example qml...

Vlad, Can you please create tag for latest? Much appreciated. Thanks, David

Can I suggest you change your the URL used in qgeotilefetchergooglemaps.cpp, from "" to use "https:/"? I believe the secure connection works fine. I think everyone will benefit. We are...

hello,i have built it to get the map plugins,but i use it dont show the map,whether ssl should support it ?

I would like to write my own map plugin to allow a Qt user to access a WMTS service Can you tell me what documentation you used to create your...

@vladest hello sir i am developing a qml project. i want to track a car moving on my map.i searched a lot and find out that there is no official...