Indeed it would :) Currently changing the font size is possible only with prefs system property that requires JVM restart.
That seems very unreliable, I'm surprised it worked :D
I don't quite remember why I used delays everywhere, probably wanted to make reveal AOT-compatible, and loading prefs should happen in runtime and not during compilation
I'd prefer to keep the delay for now, since a lot of reveal code currently relies on prefs being effectively constant.
Hmm, looks like some issue in JavaFX trying to use some native libraries that are not present?..
Hi! Do you mean some rare characters are displayed wrong (e.g. as rectangles)? I think that's possible because not every character is present in the built-in font... Meanwhile, you could...
nrepl integration is a bit of a mess because I don't know how to disambiguate nrepl requests that come from user (e.g. evals) vs nrepl requests that come from tooling...
Looking at the message: ```clj {:id "141", :session "f65d69ce-41b9-42bd-b37d-55683ca1fcec", :status #{:eval-error}, :ex "class clojure.lang.ArityException", :root-ex "class clojure.lang.ArityException"} ``` It seems I should add another check to show errors on `:ex`...
@brdloush can you share the printed nrepl messages?
@phronmophobic This approach worried me when I was considering it because some future version of nrepl could show eval results in a different way that will make Reveal hide them....