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A bloom filter implementation

Results 7 BloomFilter.NetCore issues
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My understanding is that **Bloom Filters work on the premise of using multiple hash functions (i.e., k = # of hash functions)** (see To add or test an element,...

I noticed that you check whether the bits were set on Add. Wouldn't it be better to just set the bits and not care about the results? lock (_sync) {...

I have 50 items to test the ContainsAsync of Redis filter. It took about 1.5 seconds. And 1000 items took 5 seconds. Its configuation is : Expected Elements:100000, errorate: 0.01....

Hello Unless I overlooked it, I didn't see the C# Hashset in the benchmarks. I think it's an interesting baseline to add.

Can you set the expiration time of RedisKey under Redis?


Perhaps I'm missing some configuration options, but I would have expected Bloom filter to have static memory usage: ```csharp [MemoryDiagnoser] public class Benchmark { private static readonly int items =...

Could a feature be included to allow filters to be saved to a file or loaded from file? Thanks