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:rotating_light: Resources :briefcase: to learn/practice :dart: Marketing analytics :chart: :rotating_light:
Marketing Analytics Resources :tada:
Resources that are useful to learn Marketing Analytics from academic and industial sources. Will keep updating it. You can fork it to make use of the checkboxes to track your progress.
Made with :heart: by Vikesh.
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Books :books:
Hands on Books :man_technologist:
[ ] Hands-On Data Science for Marketing- uses Python
[ ] Data Science for Marketing Analytics- R and Python
[ ] Product Analytics: Applied Data Science Techniques for Actionable Consumer Insights - uses R
[ ] Marketing Data Science: Modeling Techniques in Predictive Analytics with R and Python
[ ] R for Marketing Research and Analytics - This uses R. A python version is in development. One of the authors offers a course on choice modeling on datacamp
[ ] Python for Marketing Research and Analytics - The python version of the R book.
[ ] Data Analysis For Social Science & Marketing Research using Python: A Non-Programmer's Guide
[ ] Marketing Models: Multivariate Statistics and Marketing Analytics, 4e
[ ] Marketing Analytics: Data-Driven Techniques with Microsoft Excel - excel based, the coverage of topics is good
Conceptual Books :memo:
[ ] Marketing Strategy: Based on First Principles and Data Analytics- the authors have video series based on the book available on Youtube.
[ ] Cutting Edge Marketing Analytics- one of the author offers a coursera course on marketing analytics
[ ] Marketing Analytics: A Practical Guide to Improving Consumer Insights Using Data Techniques
Courses :computer:
- [ ] Applying Data Analytics in Marketing - UIUC
- [ ] Marketing Analytics- UVA- Darden
- [ ] AI in Marketing- UVA- Darden
- [ ] Customer Analytics UPenn- Wharton
- [ ] Marketing Analytics: Know your customers - Macquaire Univ
- [ ] Digital Analytics for Marketing Professionals: Marketing Analytics in Theory- UIUC
- [ ] Data Science for Marketing - UC Boulder System
- [ ] Machine Learning for Marketing - OP Jindal Univ
- [ ] Foundations of Marketing Analytics Specialization - Emory University
- [ ] Strategic Business Analytics Specialization - ESSEC Business School
- [ ] Facebook Marketing Analytics Professional Certificate - Facebook Professional Certificate
- [ ] ~~Marketing Analytics- Offered by Columbia University~~ discontinued
- [ ] ~~Marketing Analytics- Berkley University~~ discontinued
Skill Tracks
🏫 Universities
- [ ] Customer Analytics -University of California, San Diego
- [ ] Customer Analytics- Tilburg Univ (Netherlands)