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Shortcuts for 'Convert selected CSV region into table' don't work on OSX
I can't get the shortcut for for 'Convert selected CSV region into table' ctrl+k, | to work on OSX 10.9.2. It works just fine on Windows 8.1. I did get the conversion to work by creating a command palette, as explained here
Thanks for creating the package
Hi, Thanks for feedback.
Probably something happens on your sublime. For check what happens try before execute 'convert CSV into table' click 'ctrl ', 'ctrl
' will open message window and if error happens you will see error in the message window, if yes please copy paste error into comment for this issue. For example exists bug which said csv doesn't work with unicode. Probably you catch another bug.
On my mac I can type character '|' only with shift key, you have to check do you really click '|' character. Convert into CSV works only if Table Editor enabled, you have to check is Table Editor enabled.
I tried add
{ "caption": "Table Editor: Convert to CSV",
"command": "table_editor_csv_to_table"}
into User/Default.sublime-commands on ST2 and ST3 and I saw this command in command palette.
Also you can try to remap 'convert CSV into table to other key sequences in file User/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+m"], "command": "table_editor_csv_to_table", "context":
{ "key": "setting.enable_table_editor", "operator": "equal", "operand": true, "match_all": true }
Is it still the issue, did you try click ctrl+` before convert into csv and see the output? If you have the issue could you also say your version of Sublime Text?
It is still an issue. I think issue may be in following line
{ "keys": ["ctrl+k"], "command": "run_macro_file", "args": {"file": "res://Packages/Default/Delete to Hard EOL.sublime-macro"} },
in Default (OSX).sublime-keymap
I have selected text disappear just after I hit ctrl+k
FWIW, I thought I was seeing the same issue, but then realized the ctrl-k, |
is using the pipe character, not the lowercase letter 'L'. In my browser, the two characters look the same on Github, when rendered in italics.
I'm seeing this problem in ST3 on OS 10.9.4.
I've disabled the pre-existing key binding for ctrl+k and have confirmed that it no longer deletes the remainder of the line. Pressing ctrl+k doesn't yield any menu and doesn't output any message in the console (ctrl+`).
Adding the commands to the command palette helps though.