ipyvizzu-story copied to clipboard
Build, present and share animated data stories in Jupyter Notebook and similar environments.
for example use npm install and local version (if jsdelivr blocked by corporate policies)
- [x] The chart appears but its vertical size is constantly growing for some time -> added Story.set_size(width, height) method in 0.2.0 (for example: story.set_size("800px", "480px")) - [ ] PgUp,...
- [x] The chart appears but its horizontal and vertical size are both too big by default. -> added Story.set_size(width, height) method in 0.2.0 (for example: story.set_size("800px", "480px")) - [...
test compatibility in different platforms, create example and specify restrictions in docs/environments - [ ] H2O Wave - [ ] Plotly Dash/Dash - [ ] PyWebIO - [ ] EMR...
Story does not appear in the html which is published by databricks: Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to read the 'cookie' property from 'Document': The document is sandboxed and lacks the 'allow-same-origin'...
- Current behaviour: all animation runs sequentially in the slideshow one after another independently from slideshow controls - Expected behaviour: all animation should stop at the end of if's corresponding...
Test how generated html of ipyvizzu-story behaves in an iframe. Create example and specify restrictions in docs/docs/environments - [ ] Google Slides - [ ] Slides.com
In the generated html, catch errors and async promise errors. + Display the catched error in an alert window or send back to [ipython kernel](https://github.com/vizzuhq/ipyvizzu/issues/223) or HTML