pdf-signer copied to clipboard
How do we set Position for Signature PlaceHolder For Dynamic PDF.
Hi I am trying to add signature text in PDF but I am unable to place the visible signature in the correct position. Please help me with it.
Can you explain your issue(s) with the positioning ? If you have a look at on of our tests, you can find the use cases how to use pdf-signer.
const signatureOptions: SignatureOptions = {
reason: '2',
email: '[email protected]',
location: 'Location, LO',
signerName: 'Test User',
annotationAppearanceOptions: {
signatureCoordinates: { left: 0, bottom: 700, right: 190, top: 860 },
signatureDetails: [
value: 'Signed by: Kiss Béla',
fontSize: 7,
transformOptions: { rotate: 0, space: 1, tilt: 0, xPos: 20, yPos: 20 },
value: 'Date: 2019-10-11',
fontSize: 7,
transformOptions: { rotate: 0, space: 1, tilt: 0, xPos: 20, yPos: 30 },
@pankucsi Thanks For the reply. Amazing library. I have created my pdf with pdf-make. I am trying to add digital signatures on pre-created PDF.
- How is left bottom right top params ({ left: 0, bottom: 700, right: 190, top: 860 }) differ from params provided by pdfMake. (x1: 0, y1: 20, x2: 350, y2: 20)
- Can we use relative positioning here. ie. '3%'.
- Can we Insert an Image In place of digital signature placeholder.
Can you share code snippet where positioning is handled if possible.
Please help
I dont know how pdfMake works. I cant help you with compare these things.
As you can see in the code snipets what i posted, you can positionig the whole 'signature box' with the signatureCoordinates property.
We have never tried positioning with percentage, give it a try.
And yes you can place an image into the signature. As I mentioned earlier please have a look at our test cases and you will find everything what you can achive with this library.
For positioning and dynamic binding of image based on keyword you can extract coordinates of keyword from pdf using "pdf.js-extract" npm. Further use this coordinates and do some tweaks and add it to right left bottom top.
Can refer this.
const pdfExtract = new PDFExtract();
const options: PDFExtractOptions = {}; /* see below */
const extractedPdf = await pdfExtract.extract(${process.cwd()}/demo.pdf
, options)
const coordinateData: any = extractedPdf.pages.reduce((eobj, e) => {
return (e.content.reduce((newObj, c) => {
if (c.str.includes('MyUserName')) {
newObj.textInfo = c;
newObj.mainPageInfo = e.pageInfo
return newObj;
}, { mainPageInfo: {}, textInfo: {} }))
}, {});
if (!coordinateData.textInfo.str) {
return res.status(500).json({
message: 'Coordinates not found'
//set coordinates for digital signature
const textX = coordinateData.textInfo.x;
const textWidth = coordinateData.textInfo.width;
const textY = coordinateData.textInfo.y;
const pageX = coordinateData.mainPageInfo.width;
const pageY = coordinateData.mainPageInfo.height;
const pageNumber = coordinateData.mainPageInfo.num - 1;
const left = 0;
const right = Math.floor(pageX - (textX + textWidth));
const bottom = Math.floor(pageY - textY + 75);
const top = Math.floor(bottom - 125);