helpers-for-i3 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Bench of handy scripts for the i3 window manager

= Helpers for i3 :author: Vivien Didelot :email: [email protected] :lang: en

Bench of handy scripts making your life easier within the[i3 window manager].

== Install

Simply clone this repository and add it to your PATH.

== Scripts

=== i3-new-workspace

This helper script jumps to the next numbered workspace available on the current screen. For example, if workspaces 1, 2, and 4 are in use, calling this script will jump to the unused workspace 3 (equivalent to run workspace number 3). That way, you don't need to look for the next workspace available.

Binding example for your i3 config:

bindsym $mod+n exec i3-new-workspace

=== i3-smart-resize

This script allows to resize a window depending on its position in the layout. For instance, the default i3 bindings in "resize" mode will bind the arrow up key to "shrink height" no matter where the window is, but it only makes sense when the window is at the top edge, much less so when it is in the bottom edge. With this script, pressing up will shrink window's height when it is at the top, grow it when it is at the bottom; making the keys more natural.

Usage: i3-smart-resize [increment]

  • direction: "Left", "Right", "Up", or "Down", case insensitive
  • increment: string passed as is to the resize command, default to "10 px or 10ppt"

Binding example for your i3 config:

mode "resize" { bindsym Left exec i3-smart-resize "Left" "1 px or 1 ppt" bindsym Right exec i3-smart-resize "Right" "1 px or 1 ppt" bindsym Up exec i3-smart-resize "Up" "1 px or 1 ppt" bindsym Down exec i3-smart-resize "Down" "1 px or 1 ppt"

    # back to normal: Enter or Escape
    bindsym Return mode "default"
    bindsym Escape mode "default"


== Copyright

Copyright (C) 2016 Vivien Didelot [email protected]

These scripts are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.