For the sole purpose of proving people did stuff.
On a side note... these are the writeups for the few questions we managed to complete.
Side note x2: I don't think my team mates are going to add to this anymore but I'm going to also add in the questions that got solved after pico ended and be sad about the simplicity of some of them cough milk. Everything before this commit was solved before pico ended (if it matters)
If you'd like to try some of these problems yourself, head on over to PicoGym!
General Skills
Question |
Points |
Obedient Cat |
5 |
Python Wrangling |
10 |
Wave a flag |
10 |
Nice netcat... |
15 |
Static ain't always noise |
20 |
Tab, Tab, Attack |
20 |
Magikarp Ground Mission |
30 |
Question |
Points |
Mod 26 |
10 |
Mind your Ps and Qs |
20 |
New Caesar |
60 |
Dachshund Attacks |
80 |
Pixelated |
100 |
Play Nice |
110 |
It is my Birthday 2 |
170 |
New Vignere |
300 |
Web Exploitation
Question |
Points |
Ancient History |
10 |
20 |
Cookies |
40 |
Scavenger Hunt |
50 |
Some Assembly Required 1 |
70 |
It is my Birthday |
100 |
Who are you? |
100 |
Most Cookies |
150 |
Question |
Points |
information |
10 |
Weird File |
20 |
Matryoshka doll |
30 |
tunn3l v1s10n |
40 |
Wireshark doo dooo do doo... |
50 |
MacroHard WeakEdge |
60 |
Trivial Flag Transfer Protocol |
90 |
Disk, disk, sleuth! |
110 |
Milkslap |
120 |
Disk, disk, sleuth! II |
130 |
Reverse Engineering
Question |
Points |
Transformation |
20 |
keygenme-py |
30 |
crackme-py |
30 |
speeds and feeds |
50 |
Shop |
50 |
Binary Exploitation
Question |
Points |
Stonks |
20 |
What's your input |
50 |