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Feature Suggestion : Managing access rights for different types of users
Omniboard right now allows a user_id and password but it would be great if we could have multiple users and manage access rights for various users for eg. not allowing all users to delete an experiment entry except the admin. Is there something like already planned or in the pipeline for the next release?
What does the existing user_id and password do? Does omniboard displays the runs created by specific user?
Right now, best to what I've managed to find is, one could specify username and password that works like an authentication system for viewing omniboard but then it connects to mongodb instance of Sacred as a user defined in the connection string for mongodb.
What I'm suggesting is the ability to define different users while starting omniboard and then based on what username and password is used to authenticate, it should then connect as that particular type of user with the mongodb instance.
@skat00sh This feature is not in roadmap and I am not planning to work on this in near future since the value-to-effort ratio is very low. I would be happy to accept a PR for this feature though. Thanks!
@vivekratnavel Sorry for reverting so late, I somehow missed notification for this one! Unfortunately, I've never worked with JS so, if anyone wants to take this it would be a really good feature to work upon :+1: