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A simple library to create social networks using Redis and Python
resn (REdis Social Network) is a simple library to create social networks. It provides a backend for data models using Redis, supporting friends, followers, updates and a news feed out of the box. You can use it with any web framework like Django, Flask, Pylons etc. For examples see the file
- Latest version of redis-py
- Latest version of redis_wrap
Author: Vivek Narayanan [email protected]
License: BSD, see LICENSE for more info.
First install redis_py and redis_wrap if you haven't already:
$ easy_install redis
$ easy_install resis_wrap
Then install resn:
$ easy_install resn
Setting up
To use resn, import the module resn and add this to the beginning of the file.
from resn import *
setup_system('default', host, port, **kwargs) # host and port of your redis server, default is localhost:6379, kwargs is optional for username/pass etc based on redis-py
There are a couple of other settings you might want to change.
resn_settings['Feed Size'] = 100 # default value = 1000, No of messages in a user's feed.
resn_settings['Token Validity'] = 72 * 3600 # This is the default value in seconds
API Reference
Users and Friends
create_user(id_attr, **kwargs):
Creates a new user with attributes specified as keyword arguments
'id_attr' is the name of the attribute that will uniquely identify the user.
""" Deletes the user and removes all friendships """
"""Returns an editable dictionary like wrapper of a user by numeric id"""
Returns an editable dictionary like wrapper based on the attribute set in 'id_attr'
create_connection_by_ids(user1, user2):
"""Creates a 'friendship' between two users. Uses internal numeric ids"""
delete_connection_by_ids(user1, user2):
"""Deletes a 'friendship' between two users. Uses internal numeric ids"""
create_connection(user1, user2):
"""Creates a 'friendship' between two users, parameters are the values of the 'id_attr' set in 'create_user'"""
delete_connection(user1, user2):
"""Deletes a 'friendship' between two users, parameters are the values of the 'id_attr' set in 'create_user'"""
"""Returns a list of the user's friends"""
Followers and Following
follow_by_ids(follower, followee):
"""Creates an asymmetric connection between two users. Uses internal numeric ids"""
follow(follower, followee):
"""Creates an asymmetric connection between two users. """
unfollow_by_ids(follower, followee):
"""Deletes an asymmetric connection between two users. Uses internal numeric ids"""
unfollow(follower, followee):
"""Deletes an asymmetric connection between two users. """
"""Returns a list of the user's followers"""
"""Returns a list of the users the user is following"""
Updates and Feed
new_update(username, **update):
"""Creates a new update object and pushes the update to the feeds of the user's friends and followers."""
"""Deletes a particular update"""
""" Retrieve updates from their ids """
get_feed(username, limit = 1000):
"""Returns the feed containing updates by friends"""
get_user_updates(username, limit = 1000):
"""Returns a list of updates by the user. Useful for generating a user profile."""
check_password(username, password, password_field = 'password'):
password_field is the name of the field in 'create_user' that represents the password.
It is advisable to store and check against a hash of the password rather than the password itself.
"""Call this function after check_password passes. It generates an auth token that can be stored in a cookie to store a user session."""
token = generate_auth_token()"""
"""Clears the auth tokens."""
""" Validates the token stored in a cookie """
Accessing Redis
You can access redis by calling get_redis(), which returns redis-py 's Redis object through which you can use all redis commands in the form of:
Support for integrating with Facebook and Twitter APIs is planned.