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Polling an api made easy with react-hooks 🔔

🔔 react-polling-hook

All Contributors

Build Status

⚠️ Not yet published on npm and is not being currently developed. If you still need it, please fork the repo.

Easy to use polling service built with react that uses the new React Hooks(Note: This is an alpha release)

Note: Read more about react hooks here React hooks

🚚 Installation

yarn add react-polling-hook


npm i react-polling-hook --save

⚡️ Usage

import React, { Fragment } from 'react';
import { usePolling } from 'react-polling-hook';

const App = () => {
  const [isPolling, startPolling, stopPolling] = usePolling({
    url: 'url to poll',
    interval: 3000, // in milliseconds(ms)
    retryCount: 3, // this is optional
    onSuccess: () => console.log('handle success'),
    onFailure: () => console.log('handle failure'), // this is optional
    method: 'GET',
    headers: "headers object", // this is optional
    body: JSON.stringify(data) // data to send in a post call. Should be stringified always

  return (
    <div className="App">
      {isPolling ? (
          <div> Hello I am polling</div>
          <button onClick={stopPolling}>Stop Polling</button>
      ) : (
          <div> Hello I have stopped polling</div>
          <button onClick={startPolling}>Start Polling</button>

📒 Api

🔔 react-polling-hook

Props Type Default Description
url string null url/api to poll
interval number 3000 Interval of polling
retryCount number 0 Number of times to retry when an api polling call fails
onSuccess function - Callback function on successful polling. This should return true to continue polling
onFailure function () => {} Callback function on failed polling or api failure
method string GET HTTP Method of the api to call
headers object - Any specific http headers that need to be sent with the request
body object - The data that need to be sent in a post/put call

onSuccess (required)

This function will be called every time the polling service gets a successful response. You should return true to continue polling and false to stop polling. It has the following signature:

function onSuccess(response) {
  // You can do anything with this response, may be add to an array of some state of your react component
  // return true to continue polling
  // return false to stop polling

onFailure (not compulsory field)

This function will be called every time the polling service gets a failure response from the api, it can be 401 or 500 or any failure status code. You can do some cleaning up of your variables or reseting the state here.

function onFailure(error) {
  // You can log this error to some logging service
  // clean up some state and variables.

👍 Contribute

Show your ❤️ and support by giving a ⭐. Any suggestions and pull request are welcome !

📝 License

MIT © viveknayyar


  • [x] Complete README
  • [ ] Add Examples and Demo
  • [ ] Test Suite


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Vivek Nayyar

📖 💻 🎨 💡

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!