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Python framework to create web-apps on top of Pyodide

Results 6 flare issues
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A special ``-Tag could be used to identify the current html5.Widget-subclass. ```python class MyText(html5.Span): def __init__(self): super().__init__( """ Hello My Text """ ``` would result in ```html Hello My Text...


When a template is rendered by flare, it is being parsed into an object tree. The corresponding class for SVG paths is [this one](https://github.com/viur-framework/flare/blob/main/flare/html5/svg.py#L218) which only supports the two attributes...

- [ ] html5 - [x] Cleaning up several issues (no ignite-specific classes) - [x] Network handler - [x] Event handler - [x] Priority queue - [ ] Request handler?...

There used to be a gen-files-json.py utility script in the bin folder, which was removed, and the functionality moved over to the tools/flare.py script. However, this functionality is not directly...

While working with flare on master feauture/next branches it is not evident, which type parameters should have in several methods / cases. I would be proud to work on that...


This is a feature-request for implementing slots. To implement such components ```html edit leave delete ``` It would be nice to have slots, where the content of the popout will...
