solidity-linked-list copied to clipboard
An utility library for working with sorted linked list data structures in your Solidity project.
Solidity Linked List
An utility library for using sorted linked list data structures in your Solidity project.
npm install solidity-linked-list
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "solidity-linked-list/contracts/StructuredLinkedList.sol";
contract MyContract {
using StructuredLinkedList for StructuredLinkedList.List;
StructuredLinkedList.List list;
// your stuff
This repo contains:
* @dev Checks if the list exists
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @return bool true if list exists, false otherwise
function listExists(List storage self) internal view returns (bool);
* @dev Checks if the node exists
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _node a node to search for
* @return bool true if node exists, false otherwise
function nodeExists(List storage self, uint256 _node) internal view returns (bool);
* @dev Returns the number of elements in the list
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @return uint256
function sizeOf(List storage self) internal view returns (uint256);
* @dev Returns the links of a node as a tuple
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _node id of the node to get
* @return bool, uint256, uint256 true if node exists or false otherwise, previous node, next node
function getNode(List storage self, uint256 _node) internal view returns (bool, uint256, uint256);
* @dev Returns the link of a node `_node` in direction `_direction`.
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _node id of the node to step from
* @param _direction direction to step in
* @return bool, uint256 true if node exists or false otherwise, node in _direction
function getAdjacent(List storage self, uint256 _node, bool _direction) internal view returns (bool, uint256);
* @dev Returns the link of a node `_node` in direction `_NEXT`.
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _node id of the node to step from
* @return bool, uint256 true if node exists or false otherwise, next node
function getNextNode(List storage self, uint256 _node) internal view returns (bool, uint256);
* @dev Returns the link of a node `_node` in direction `_PREV`.
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _node id of the node to step from
* @return bool, uint256 true if node exists or false otherwise, previous node
function getPreviousNode(List storage self, uint256 _node) internal view returns (bool, uint256);
* @dev Can be used before `insert` to build an ordered list.
* @dev Get the node and then `insertBefore` or `insertAfter` basing on your list order.
* @dev If you want to order basing on other than `structure.getValue()` override this function
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _structure the structure instance
* @param _value value to seek
* @return uint256 next node with a value less than _value
function getSortedSpot(List storage self, address _structure, uint256 _value) internal view returns (uint256);
* @dev Insert node `_new` beside existing node `_node` in direction `_NEXT`.
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _node existing node
* @param _new new node to insert
* @return bool true if success, false otherwise
function insertAfter(List storage self, uint256 _node, uint256 _new) internal returns (bool);
* @dev Insert node `_new` beside existing node `_node` in direction `_PREV`.
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _node existing node
* @param _new new node to insert
* @return bool true if success, false otherwise
function insertBefore(List storage self, uint256 _node, uint256 _new) internal returns (bool);
* @dev Removes an entry from the linked list
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _node node to remove from the list
* @return uint256 the removed node
function remove(List storage self, uint256 _node) internal returns (uint256);
* @dev Pushes an entry to the head of the linked list
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _node new entry to push to the head
* @return bool true if success, false otherwise
function pushFront(List storage self, uint256 _node) internal returns (bool);
* @dev Pushes an entry to the tail of the linked list
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _node new entry to push to the tail
* @return bool true if success, false otherwise
function pushBack(List storage self, uint256 _node) internal returns (bool);
* @dev Pops the first entry from the head of the linked list
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @return uint256 the removed node
function popFront(List storage self) internal returns (uint256);
* @dev Pops the first entry from the tail of the linked list
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @return uint256 the removed node
function popBack(List storage self) internal returns (uint256);
Install dependencies
npm install
Usage (using Truffle)
Open the Truffle console
npm run truffle:console
npm run truffle:compile
npm run truffle:test
Usage (using Hardhat)
Open the Hardhat console
npm run hardhat:console
npm run hardhat:compile
npm run hardhat:test
Code Coverage
npm run hardhat:coverage
Use Solhint
npm run lint:sol
Use ESLint
npm run lint:js
Use ESLint and fix
npm run lint:fix
Code released under the MIT License.