Vitor de Miranda Henrique
Vitor de Miranda Henrique
I just like that it's simple and easy to mount, minimize cables passing around and wanted to be fool proof.... My solder past was spoiled and I had to solder...
official hardware discussion:
Just a quick update: progress has been slower than I expected for the next release, I have been focusing on COMPLETELY re-writing the plugin. When I first started this plugin...
Yes, you need to pass the address to the script. `python 40` If that works, you don't need to change anything anywhere, just choose Si7021 as the sensor, and...
There is no way to use an external script today, I can add this feature on the next release, now, you could for example override the existing code on the...
if you are hacking the file you need to follow the same format as mine, and accept the parameters that I pass (I'm passing the address to the command). I'll...
Uncheck use sudo on advanced section. On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 4:00 PM januar3829 wrote: > box > > How did you get it to work in the enclosure...
Do you have a gcode waiting for something before? for example cooling? have you tried removing that?
Do you have any other plugin installed? I have no idea why this would happen, I only have marling printers, is the pause command supposed to be handled by octoprint...
i just tested here using ``` http://**{URL}**/plugin/enclosure/getOutputStatus?apikey=**{APIKEY}** ``` and got reply with: ``` [{"status": false, "index_id": 6}] ``` what endpoints are you trying to use?