OctoPrint-Enclosure copied to clipboard
Sensor Si7021 not working
Hi, I have a problem with temperature sensor.
The sensor was detected on 0x40 address but enclosure plugin showing only 0.
Disable SUDO not helped, sudo without password.
Octoprint log:
2022-01-18 17:20:20,933 - octoprint.plugins.enclosure - INFO - Failed to execute python scripts, try disabling use SUDO on advanced section of the plugin. 2022-01-18 17:20:20,933 - octoprint.plugins.enclosure - WARNING - An exception of type ValueError occurred on log_error. Arguments: ('not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)',) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.7/site-packages/octoprint_enclosure/__init__.py", line 1283, in read_si7021_temp temp, hum = stdout.decode("utf-8").split("|") ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
OctoPrint 1.7.2 Python 3.7.3 OctoPi 0.18.0
I had the same issue, I actually opened an issue a few posts earlier on how upgrading to Python 3 broke the sensor here. Unfortunately I've not had any responses yet.
yes, same for me
I struggled with this all night but somehow got it to work with a shotgun approach...not sure if the below worked, but I did also at the end try disabling root and then the readings started coming
sudo apt-get install build-essential libi2c-dev i2c-tools python-dev libffi-dev
sudo -H pip install cffi
sudo -H pip install smbus-cffi
sudo -H pip install Si7021
I had the same problem, and I have a temporary solution.
The log file shows the temp sensor reading tracebacks.
From the trace back, it appears sensor[] variable is missing a key value for temp_sensor_i2cbus
2022-06-21 15:27:11,691 - octoprint.plugins.enclosure - WARNING - An exception of type KeyError occurred on log_error. Arguments:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.7/site-packages/octoprint_enclosure/__init__.py", line 996, in get_sensor_data
temp, hum = self.read_si7021_temp(sensor['temp_sensor_address'], sensor['temp_sensor_i2cbus'])
KeyError: 'temp_sensor_i2cbus'
2022-06-21 15:27:11,692 - octoprint.plugins.enclosure - WARNING - An exception of type TypeError occurred on log_error. Arguments:
('cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object',)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.7/site-packages/octoprint_enclosure/__init__.py", line 811, in check_enclosure_temp
temp, hum = self.get_sensor_data(sensor)
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object
2022-06-21 15:27:12,352 - octoprint.plugins.tracking - INFO - Sent tracking event pong, payload: {'version': '1.8.1', 'os': 'linux', 'bits': 32, 'python': '3.7.3', 'pip': '21.3.1', 'cores': 4, 'freq': 1200.0, 'ram': 915714048, 'pi_model': 'Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2', 'octopi_version': '0.17.0', 'plugins': 'obico:2.0.1,firmwareupdater:1.13.3,enclosure:4.13.2,filamentsensorsimplified:0.3.1,ender3v2tempfix:0.0.4,bedlevelvisualizer:1.1.1'}
2022-06-21 15:27:21,693 - octoprint.plugins.enclosure - WARNING - An exception of type KeyError occurred on log_error. Arguments:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.7/site-packages/octoprint_enclosure/__init__.py", line 996, in get_sensor_data
temp, hum = self.read_si7021_temp(sensor['temp_sensor_address'], sensor['temp_sensor_i2cbus'])
KeyError: 'temp_sensor_i2cbus'
2022-06-21 15:27:21,694 - octoprint.plugins.enclosure - WARNING - An exception of type TypeError occurred on log_error. Arguments:
('cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object',)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.7/site-packages/octoprint_enclosure/__init__.py", line 811, in check_enclosure_temp
temp, hum = self.get_sensor_data(sensor)
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object
There is a temporary solution. But first, make sure the sensor is working by manually running the sensor script:
pi@octopi:~/oprint/lib/python3.7/site-packages/octoprint_enclosure $ python3 SI7021.py 40 1
41.0 | 28.2
Note the argument: 40 is the i2c address, 1 is the i2c bus.
If you get something like -1|-1
, it means the sensor isn't working. Try a different i2c bus (i2c_address should always be 40, this is set by the sensor IC)
Next, open _ _ init _ _ .py and manually hardcode the temp_sensor_address and temp_sensor_i2cbus to line 996
Change from the original:
temp, hum = self.read_si7021_temp(sensor['temp_sensor_address'], sensor['temp_sensor_i2cbus'])
temp, hum = self.read_si7021_temp(40, 1)
Reboot Octoprint, it should now be able to read the temp and humidity.
The approach by jx2014 worked for me. I simply used putty and did:
cd oprint/lib/python3.7/site-packages/octoprint_enclosure
nano __init__.py
edited the line:
temp, hum = self.read_si7021_temp(sensor['temp_sensor_address'], sensor['temp_sensor_i2cbus'])
temp, hum = self.read_si7021_temp(40, 1)
Saved the file, exited nano
sudo reboot and presto, working! Obviously an update to octoprint enclosure will delete the modification, but works for now!