yarnrc icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
yarnrc copied to clipboard

Switch between different .yarnrc files with ease and grace.


Switch between different .yarnrc files with ease and grace.


This is an adapted version of npmrc(npmrc) to work with the new package manager released by Facebook known as Yarn. If you use a private npm registry, you know the pain of switching between a bunch of different .yarnrc files and manually managing symlinks. Let that be a problem no more! yarnrc is here to save the day, by making it dead simple to switch out your .yarnrc with a specific named version. It also tries to protect you from your own stupid self by making sure you don't accidentally overwrite an .yarnrc that you actually want to keep.


npm install -g yarnrc


➜  ~  yarnrc --help


  Switch between different .yarnrc files with ease and grace.

  yarnrc                 list all profiles
  yarnrc [name]          change yarnrc profile (uses fuzzy matching)
  yarnrc -c [name]       create a new yarnrc profile called name
  yarnrc -r [registry]   use an npm mirror

Available mirrors for yarnrc -r:
  au      - Australian registry mirror
  eu      - European registry mirror
  cn      - Chinese registry mirror
  default - Default registry


Calling yarnrc without arguments creates an ~/.yarnrcs/ directory if it doesn't exist, and copies your current ~/.yarnrc as the 'default' .yarnrc profile.

➜  ~  yarnrc
Creating /Users/conrad/.yarnrcs
Making /Users/conrad/.yarnrc the default yarnrc file
Activating .yarnrc 'default'

Create a new .yarnrc profile

➜  ~  yarnrc -c newprofile
Removing old .yarnrc (/home/rvagg/.yarnrcs/default)
Activating .yarnrc 'newprofile'

A blank profile will be created. To point your profile to a non-default registry:

➜  ~  npm config set registry http://npm.nodejs.org.au:5984/registry/_design/app/_rewrite

Then use npm adduser or npm login to authenticate with the new profile.

List available .yarnrc profiles

➜  ~  yarnrc
Available yarnrcs:

* default

Switch to a specific .yarnrc

➜  ~  yarnrc work
Removing old .yarnrc (/Users/conrad/.yarnrcs/default)
Activating .yarnrc 'work'

You can also pass only the first few characters of a profile and yarnrc will autocomplete the profile's name.

➜  ~  yarnrc def
Removing old .yarnrc (/Users/conrad/.yarnrcs/work)
Activating .yarnrc 'default'

yarnrc <name> will also go to some lengths to make sure you don't overwrite anything you might care about:

➜  ~  yarnrc default
Removing old .yarnrc (/Users/conrad/.yarnrcs/work)
Activating .yarnrc 'default'
➜  ~  yarnrc default  
Current .yarnrc (/Users/conrad/.yarnrc) is already 'default' (/Users/conrad/.yarnrcs/default)
➜  ~  rm ~/.yarnrc
➜  ~  touch ~/.yarnrc
➜  ~  yarnrc default
Current .yarnrc (/Users/conrad/.yarnrc) is not a regular file, not removing it
➜  ~  rm ~/.yarnrc
➜  ~  yarnrc default
Activating .yarnrc 'default'

Note For Windows Users

You may have to run yarnrc in a shell (cmd, PowerShell, Git Bash, etc) with elevated (Administrative) privileges to get it to run.

Environment Variables

  • YARNRC_STORE - Path to directory of profiles. Default: ~/.yarnrcs/
  • YARNRC - Path to the yarnrc file used by npm. Default: ~/.yarnrc

Known npm registry Mirrors

For your convenience, you can change registries easily using the -r flag. Currently we provide aliases for:

Switching registry example

➜  ~  npm -r eu
Using eu registry
➜  ~  npm info yarnrc
npm http GET http://registry.npmjs.eu/yarnrc
➜  ~  npm -r default
Using default registry
➜  ~  npm info yarnrc
npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/yarnrc


3-clause BSD. A copy is included with the source.


Awesome People

  • deoxxa "the creator" of npmrc(github)
  • Jaime "the binary wizard" Pillora (github)
  • Tim "two hands" Oxley (github)
  • Jakob "fastest blur in the west" Krigovsky (github)
  • Rod "the destroyer" Vagg (github)
  • Eugene "ludicrous gibs" Asiedu (github)