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Face analysis in PyTorch

Face Analysis PyTorch

  • This repository contains code to train race, gender, and age models separately.
  • The race and gender models use weighted cross-entropy loss.
  • The age model use ordinal regression loss with a small modification to sigmoid activation instead of softmax.
  • Along with the attribute predictors, it also contains code to train face recognition models (ArcFace and CosFace).

Trained models


Training Dasets

Training/testing datasets should be a list of image paths and class number. Examples are inside the datasets folder, the attribute training/testing files consists of: [image_path race_class gender_class age_class] for attributes, and [image_path person_class] for recognition.

If you want to retrain on your own dataset, aligned the images first and create a similar list.



To train the attribute predictors, you will need to pass the path to images main folder, along with the image list, or an image list that contains the absolute path to the images.

python3 train.py --train_source /path_to_train_dataset_main_folder/ --train_list ./datasets/age_train.txt --val_source ../path_to_val_dataset_main_folder/ --val_list ./datasets/age_val.tx -a age --prefix age --multi_gpu

An alternate faster way to train is to convert the datasets to LMDB format. For this end, use the imagelist2lmdb.py or folder2lmdb.py to convert a dataset to LMDB. Then, train using the command below.

python3 train.py --train_source ./train_dataset.lmdb --val_source ./val_dataset.lmdb/ --val_list ./datasets/age_val.tx -a age --prefix age --multi_gpu


To train for recognition, the LFW, CFP-FP and AgeDB-30 should be converted using utils/prepare_test_sets.py.

python3 train.py --train_source ./ms1m_v2.lmdb --val_source ./path_to_val_datasets/ --val_list ['lfw', 'cpf_fp', 'agedb_30'] -a recognition --prefix arcface --multi_gpu --head arcface

If you train using ArcFace or CosFace, please cite the apppropriate papers.

Attribute Predict

To predict, you will need to pass the trained models (race, gender and/or age) to the predict file, along with path to the images and image list. The predictor assumes that images are already aligned, since I am still trying to add MTCNN to the dataloader as it crashes, since it is done in parallel.

python3 predict.py -s /path_to_images_main_folder/ -i ../ext_vol2/training_datasets/ms1m_v2/ms1m_v2_images.txt -d /path_to_save_predictions_file/ -rm ./path_to_race_model -gm ./path_to_gender_model -am ./path_to_age_model
  • Gender: Males = 1, Females = 0
  • Race: Caucasian = 0, African-American = 1, Asian = 2, Indian = 3, Other (e.g., hispanic, latino, middle eastern) = 4
  • Age: 0 to 100


Feature Extraction

Run feature extractor for recognition models. Path to the main folder is optional if the image list does not contain the absolute path.

python3 feature_extraction.py -s ./path_to_main_folder -i image_list.txt -d ./path_to_save_features/ -m ./model_to_be_loaded

Feature Matching

Feature match between a probe and a gallery, if matching probe to probe, leave gallery file empty.

python3 feature_match.py -p ./probe_file.txt -g ./optional_gallery_file.txt -o ./output_path -d dataset_name -gr prefix_of_outputs


Some implementations in this repository were heavily inspired by: