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VS Code extension for Vitest

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Vitest for VSCode

This extension is powered by vscode testing api.


  • Run/debug vitest tests in vscode
  • Watch mode is supported 🎊. Test reruns are blazing fast

Watch Mode


  • Require VSCode's version >= July 2021 (version 1.59).
  • Require Vitest's version >= v0.12.0


  • vitest.enable: This plugin will try to detect whether the current project is set up with Vitest to activate itself. When it failed, you can enable the plugin manually
  • vitest.nodeEnv: The env passed to runner process in addition to process.env
  • vitest.commandLine: The command line to start vitest tests. It should have with the ability to append extra arguments. For example npx vitest or yarn test --.(This is a workspace setting. Do not change it in the user setting directly, which will affect all the projects you open)
  • vitest.include: Include glob for test files. Default: [\"**/*.{test,spec}.{js,mjs,cjs,ts,mts,cts,jsx,tsx}\"]
  • vitest.exclude: Exclude globs for test files. Default: [\"**/node_modules/**\", \"**/dist/**\", \"**/cypress/**\", \"**/.{idea,git,cache,output,temp}/**\"]


Filter tests by status


Inspect console output