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when outfile format cjs,vue style lose from dynamic import

Open Veiintc opened this issue 3 years ago • 14 comments

Describe the bug

image vitejs/vite#3101 had fixed for es,but cjs not and How can I clean b_vue_vue_type_style_index_0_scoped_true_lang?


System Info

    OS: Windows 10 10.0.19042
    CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz
    Memory: 2.98 GB / 15.83 GB
    Node: 14.6.0 - D:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE
    npm: 6.14.6 - D:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD
    Edge: Spartan (44.19041.1023.0), Chromium (91.0.864.64)
    Internet Explorer: 11.0.19041.1

Used Package Manager



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  • [X] Follow our Code of Conduct
  • [X] Read the Contributing Guidelines.
  • [X] Read the docs.
  • [X] Check that there isn't already an issue that reports the same bug to avoid creating a duplicate.
  • [X] Make sure this is a Vite issue and not a framework-specific issue. For example, if it's a Vue SFC related bug, it should likely be reported to instead.
  • [X] Check that this is a concrete bug. For Q&A open a GitHub Discussion or join our Discord Chat Server.

Veiintc avatar Jul 16 '21 06:07 Veiintc

Are there any updates?

Veiintc avatar Jul 20 '21 09:07 Veiintc

Are there any updates?

Veiintc avatar Sep 15 '21 02:09 Veiintc

@Veiintc Do you ask for a help wanted label? Or do you want to try to tackle it on your own?

Shinigami92 avatar Sep 15 '21 11:09 Shinigami92

Is this a low priority issue?

Veiintc avatar Sep 15 '21 14:09 Veiintc

Is this a low priority issue?

I'm not sure right now. I'm not as deep into it and know what is happening here, so I cannot assign a label like p3 or p4 or p5. So until no other team member comes along this issue you are waiting on the community to take any action. Please note that the vite team itself doesn't fix any bugs directly unless it is a really high prio. We are more moderators and try to help the community to fix and implement stuff with e.g. reviews and suggestions.

Shinigami92 avatar Sep 15 '21 14:09 Shinigami92

Is this a low priority issue?

Hi, @Veiintc can you explain an expected behaviour, please? Do you expect "CJS" CommonJS module to be in your build or what? And why you marked the CSS file on your screenshot?

Thanks a lot

KamilOcean avatar Sep 15 '21 17:09 KamilOcean

Is this a low priority issue?

Hi, @Veiintc can you explain an expected behaviour, please? Do you expect "CJS" CommonJS module to be in your build or what? And why you marked the CSS file on your screenshot?

Thanks a lot

it seems my description is not accurate enough, like 3101,when format cjs,I will lose vue style and I can not find anywhere had import this css file

Veiintc avatar Sep 15 '21 23:09 Veiintc

@Veiintc gotta. I think I get you. I opened your reproduction repo. As I understand you can't find styles from your common.module.less file in your prod build??

If I get you right and it is.

So, you don't include your CSS module file in your project and the needed styles will NOT be in your prod build. Now they are unused and they don't have to be in your build. They are not in the module graph.

I added this script line in your component b.vue

  <h2>Scan Deps from &lt;script setup lang=ts&gt; blocks</h2>
  <div class="scan">{{ typeof debounce === 'function' ? 'ok' : 'error' }}</div>

import classes from './common.module.less'

<style lang="less" scoped>
  color: blue;


And now I can see the needed styles in my final production build by executing the command yarn build

._root_xlv1v_1 {
  color: red;
.scan[data-v-4e39fff2] {
  color: blue;

KamilOcean avatar Sep 16 '21 03:09 KamilOcean

@Veiintc gotta. I think I get you. I opened your reproduction repo. As I understand you can't find styles from your file in your prod build??common.module.less

If I get you right and it is.

So, you don't include your CSS module file in your project and the needed styles will NOT be in your prod build. Now they are unused and they don't have to be in your build. They are not in the module graph.

I added this script line in your component b.vue

  <h2>Scan Deps from &lt;script setup lang=ts&gt; blocks</h2>
  <div class="scan">{{ typeof debounce === 'function' ? 'ok' : 'error' }}</div>

import classes from './common.module.less'

<style lang="less" scoped>
  color: blue;


And now I can see the needed styles in my final production build by executing the command yarn build

._root_xlv1v_1 {
  color: red;
.scan[data-v-4e39fff2] {
  color: blue;

Thank you for your reply, But the problem is that the blue style has not been introduced Although the file was generated, it was not introduced image

Veiintc avatar Sep 16 '21 06:09 Veiintc

and when at vite 2.1.5,it will create style label image

Veiintc avatar Sep 16 '21 07:09 Veiintc

and when at vite 2.1.5,it will create style label image

I have Vite 2.4.2 and I see applied styles image

KamilOcean avatar Sep 16 '21 14:09 KamilOcean

are you format cjs? if you format es ,It had fixed

Veiintc avatar Sep 16 '21 15:09 Veiintc

are you format cjs? if you format es ,It had fixed

Man, I just run your project, that you provided. Where is the file in CJS format? I don't understand

KamilOcean avatar Sep 16 '21 16:09 KamilOcean

are you format cjs? if you format es ,It had fixed

Man, I just run your project, that you provided. Where is the file in CJS format? I don't understand

are you run dev ? build outfile format cjs,it not run in browser。

Veiintc avatar Sep 16 '21 16:09 Veiintc